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It's late. That's all I'm going to say. Actually I got more becasue Lydia has the nerve to wake me up in the middle of the night, telling us to come to the school. For what? I have no clue, but apparently it's really important. I refused to get out of bed and that's when Stiles burst through my door, he tried to get me out of bed which I refused to do, so he picked me up and through me over his shoulder. Luckily I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, that can pass for normal clothes and I grabbed a pair of sneakers. We get to the school and get out the car.

"Where is she?" Stiles asks Scott who is getting off his bike "Over here" We hear Allison and we run over to her "Lydia?" Stiles says

"It's the same thing. Same thing as the pool. I got into the car heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body" Lydia tells us

"You found a dead body?" I ask wide eyed

"Not yet" She says and I sigh

"'Not yet?' What do you mean 'Not yet?'" Stiles asks "Lydia you're supposed to call after you find the dead body"

"No, I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on" Lydia says and I turn my head seeing something in the distance, on the school sign

"How are we supposed to find the dead body?" Stiles asks as I step a bit closer "You're always the one finding the dead body"

"Guys" I say and look at the blood dripping from the sign "I found the dead body"


This morning I'm with Isaac. Scott asked up to check up on Allison because word on the street is, she's not coming to school today. Last night when we found the dead body, we realised it was Tara, a deputy from the station and I've known since I was in the 5th grade, I mean every time Stiles and I used to wait at the station for my dad, she would help us with our homework. For me it was Science for Stiles it was Math. Anwyay, Isaac and I reach Allison's apartment building and we get out the car.

"I'll go up the window" He says and I give him a look of confusion

"Well, I'm going to be normal and go up the elevator, considering I don't have any supernatural powers" I say and he laughs "Shut up"

"I didn't say anything" He says and I push him as I walk into the building. I got up the elevator and it dings as it opens of Allison's floor, I walk up to her door and open it, surprisingly it was already opened and I walked in to see Isaac on the floor while Allison holds a knife to his neck

"Why am I not surprised" I tell them with a smirk as I lean on the door frame of Allison's bedroom


"Okay, okay, hold on a second. Your dad's the killer?" Isaac asks after Allison just explained to us what her father has been up to "No. I mean, I don't think he is. At least I hope he isn't" Allison sighs "You hope he isn't the serial-killing dark druid who's been slashing people's throats?" Isaac asks and I hit on the back of the head "You literally aren't helping" I tell him

"Do you guys wanna help me or not?" Allison asks "Yeah, we're just trying to get all the cards on the table here" I say as Allison pulls out a light thingy

"See the marks? There are five more bodies to be found but it doesn't say who the bodies are" Allison says then I look over at Isaac who just took a step back

"What are you doing?" I ask "Something I learned from my father. Take a step back. Look at the picture. Sometimes, you see things you wouldn't notice if you were up close when all you're looking at are the details" Isaac says and I step back with him

"Look at that. You see that?" I ask them and I move forward, removing the map of Beacon Hills away from what's underneath "Whoa. What is that?" Isaac asks

"A five-fold knot" I tell them "It's a Celtic symbol" Allison adds as she shine the light over one of the circles, revealing the word virgins.

"Virgins" I say and Isaac looks down at me, Allison moves the light over the next circle revealing "Warriors" She says and move the light "Healers" Isaac says and she moves the light again "Philosophers" She says and moves it one last time

"Gaurdians" Isaac says and I look at him "I need to tell Stiles" I tell them "Because this could be anything, right?" "Your father" Isaac says and sigh "You need to tell your dad, everything"


After calling Stiles and telling him that he needs to tell our father everything, and I mean everything. The sacrifices, the Darach, Scott, Isaac, Derek etc. How Boyd died, the Alpha pack, Lydia and her powers and how Allison and her father have been werewolf hunters since God knows when? And I don't care how he tells him, he just needs to tell him now because someone is going to get hurt if he doesn't.

"I have to stop him" Allison says "Is that really a good idea? If your dad is actually doing all this stuff..." I say "'If?'" She questions "Look at this. He knows everything. He's... He's planned everything" "Allison, we don't know that" I tell her but she literally pulls a map out and places on the table "What are you doing?" Isaac asks

"If Mr. Westover was taken from the school, there's gotta be another point in the telluric current" She says standing up from the chair she once sat in"You mean where he'll be sacrfificed" Isaac says and we move around towards her

"Look that marks new" I say as the light goes over it and I grab my phone out then take a picture of it

This is probably the shortest chapter I've written and I'm sorry like wow. I hope you guys liked it and thanks for reading!


BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now