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I quickly sit up in my bed as I am woken up by a loud thumping sound. And the only explanation for that is Stiles, my idiot of a brother who has an obsession with Star Wars and my dad's investigations. I mean any little thing my dad does, Stiles is there listening or taking a few notes on the situtation but I am more of the silent type. I sit in the corner and wait for something amazing to happen then I step in with a tiny and non interesting question, waiting for an incredibly boring and non interesting answer. Anyway I'm so excited to be going back to school because growing up, Lydia Martin was my best friends and My brother has a giant crush on her which he needs to get over.

I walk out of my room with a yawn spread across my face. As I stand near the bathroom door, I hear some bickering coming from my brother's room down the hall and I know my dad is in there talking to him. I walk closer to the door and I hear...

"Stop being so loud, you're going to wake your sister up" I hear my dad say "What are you talking about? Nicky is a thousand miles away" Stiles tells him and I come out from the hall, stepping into my twins room

"Actually Nicky is standing right here" I say with a smile

"Oh hey Nick, we were just- Oh my gosh Nicky!" Stiles says and races towards me with the biggest smile plastered on him face. He takes me into his open arms swinging me around like a wrag doll "When did you get here?"

"Last night, when you guys weren't here" I tell him as he sets me down on the ground again then brings me into a normal hug

"I've missed you so much" He says and I can feel the warmness in my heart as he said those words "Stiles, would you let go of your sister, so I can have my turn" My dad says and I laugh then let go of Stiles and run to my dad giving him a bear hug

"Never send me back to that god awful school" I beg and I can hear his low chuckle then I let go "Okay I'm going to take you too school and Stiles will go to school right now" "Why can't I drive Nicky?" Stiles asks

"Because I have to fill out some paper work for her and you can't be late, now get going" My dad tells Stiles as he exits the room

"So how've you been?" I ask him as I lean on the door frame and watch him pack him school bag

"Alright... I guess" He says and he sounds a bit nervous. FYI Stiles is a terrible liar, one time we were playing catch with one of my dad's baseballs in the barkyard and Stiles over here threw the ball so high that it went straight through the window while I sat the on the floor laughing my ass off as my dad came downstairs aaking 'Who did it?' and Stiles said 'There was this dog- who took my glove- with the ball and made it go through the window'. My dad grounded him for one week until he told the truth and yours truly didn't get in trouble at all

"Stiles what ever is wrong, you know you can tell me right?" I ask him and he nods "Okay, well I got to go get ready for school. I'll see you there" "Okay, see you in a while" He says and I walk off to my room


I normally don't take my time in the mornings but today I did because it's my first day at Beacon Hills high school and I want to look presentable, maybe even try to get noticed by a guy because back in my younger days I wasn't really the one who the guys would talk about in primary school. I was the girl who was made fun of and was pushed around but that all changed as soon as I went to boardng school but the only guy I had eyes for was Brett and trust me he felt the same way. But I'm over him now and it's time to start fresh.

I slipped on my dark blue jeans, a dressy tank, a brown leather jacket, along with my brown boots. I straightened my hair and looked in the mirror, making sure I haven't already ruiend my make up or something because that would be truly embarrasing.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now