Fifteen: You Better Come Back

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I don't like this. Sometimes our plans are crazy and may end up in someone getting injured or buried, but this has got to be worse then the town filled with chickens plan. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Who ever came up with this one surely needs to be stopped and injured by me because this is putting thousands of lives in danger, well not thousands but a few lives in danger. Especially Scott, I don't know how he could go through with this or even why he wanted to. I mean this is all just too much and I can't stand it, it's going to be one hell of a night. "Is three enough?" Kira asks as Stiles sets another macbook on the table.

"It depends on how many cameras they have, but I think so" Stiles tells her, I however could care less about how many cameras they have and what they're doing. I really do not want to be apart of this.

I can feel little Liam getting nervous. Like, it's rubbing off him so bad it's leaving an odour. "Are we really doing this?" He asks and I place my hand on his shoulder, poor kid just got dragged into this.

"We're doing it, tonight" Scott says and I roll my eyes because he actually doesn't care what might happen, he's just doing this to save a life or lives.

Liam glances at me then back at Scott, his eye are soft and he looks very scared because he's just a freshman. "Isn't it dangerous?" He asks

I look directly in Scott's eyes and look for an answer so he can tell his Beta that yes, someone could possibly die. "Yeah, it's incredibly dangerous and borderline idiotic" Stiles tell Liam and I nod at Scott, it seems like he is a little upset that I'm not on his side with all of this. Well, I don't want to be on his side. This is stupid.

"Have you guys done something like this before?" Liam asks and I cringe, the poor boy. He doesn't know half the things we do, shame.

Stiles gives me a glance and then Scott before he says "Something dangerous or something idiotic?"

"We've actually done both" I tell him and give him a smile. I watch Liam give me a small smile, but he's just scared, I can feel it. "Liam, you really don't have to be part of it if you don't want to. I don't even want to be apart of it" I say "So, don't even lie to me about not bing scared" I add

"I'm not scared" He tells me and I can't do anything if he's just going to lie.

Stiles reached out and grabs his shoulder saying "Well then you're borderline idiotic" I chuckle at him then look over at Scott who is giving me a saddened look, but I just ignore him. "If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us" Stiles adds and I cringe, again.

"How do we even know something's definitely coming?" Kira asks and I look over at Scott for and answer.

Honestly, I can't make him choose between me or the plan, but I can leave. "The tape from Garrett's bag send visual confirmation is required" Scott tells her and I nod

"Simons said the same thing" Stiles says refreshing my mind of Mr Creepy, thank God he is dead. "He couldn't get paid by the benefactor unless he had proof that you guys were dead" Stiles adds

"The idea is... What if you kill someone on the deadpool but you can send the proof" Scott says as a rhetorical question and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You don't get paid" Kira says and I nod, I still hate this plan.

I feel Liam looking at me and I turn my head, placing my hand on his hand for some comfort. He is really scared "How does that get us any closer to the benefactor?" Liam asks

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead, especially if it's someone really high on the list" I tell Liam and look back at Scott.

Liam look back at me and say "So, if he wants visual confirmation.."

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now