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Third Person's POV:

The young brunette was trapped inside her own head. Leaning against a brick wall with metal pipes attached to it, not knowing where she is or what she is even doing here. She wasn't even thinking about her brother and is he okay because every five seconds she could hear his voice, actually it was more of the void version considering there are two Stiles' now. She could hear the footsteps of someone. It was the Nogitsune and she knew it, only he would be doing this to her and it didn't feel good. It made her physically cold, she was practically hypothermic. Cheeks flushed with a warm red, her nose was even cold and it was amazing how she had a long top on with jeans and sneakers.

"You know, I never really thought I would do this to you. Lydia was my first choice" She heard the sound of Stiles' voice echo through what she now realises is tunnel

"What do you want from me? I've done nothing. All I wanted was for my brother to return to his normal self, that's all" She tells him as a tear escapes her eye full of anger "If you want my powers again just take them. I don't care"

"No, I want you to keep your powers. It was a gift" The Nogitsune tells her

"I didn't want it. I thought once I gave you my Alpha powers you were going to leave Stiles alone" She asks him and he slams his hand on the wall beside her face

"I already did, your stupid doctor friend stuck a needle in my neck, injecting me with wolf lichen. You got him back for 2.5 seconds" It tells her "But you know, since I have you. I guess I could give you a few pointers about you new abilities which I would just hate to see go to waste"

Grunting while the tears spill out of her eyes she says "I don't care. I really don't"

"You're going to want to care. I lied before, Lydia is here" He tells her and she goes wide-eyed

"You son of a bitch, where is she?" Nicole exclaims and the Nogitsune purses it's lips turning it's head

"Now do you really think I would tell you that? No, I wouldn't" It says and smirks at her


Meanwhile at the Sheriff's station Sheriff Stilinski is sitting at his desk watching the sunshine outside of the window. He is worried about his sun and what's going to crush him even more is that his daughter is missing. He just went through losing part of his son, now he will soon be worried about losing his daughter once Stiles and Scott get to the station. Opening the door, Parrish looks at Stilinski with sympathy knowing that he can't find his son.

"Go home, Sheriff. If anything comes up about Stiles, you know I'd call you in a second" Parrish tells his boss

"I'm not going anywhere" Sheriff tells him, not even moving his head an inch

"Well, neither am I since my shift doesn't end until dawn. You need a coffee?" He asks

Shaking his head, no. Sheriff says "Aw, you're a good guy, Parrish. That's what they all said at your previous station. Though no one could tell me exactly why you left"

"Maybe I needed a change. I don't really know. I guess... I kind of felt drawn here. And I knew there were openings" Parrish tells him

"You know why there were openings?"

"The statistics don't worry me" Parrish says "Well, they worry me" Sherrif tells him

"Well, then maybe you need to get some sleep. Go home, Sheriff" Parrish tells him with a smile and walks away. Getting up and grabbing his jacket, Sheriff starts looking for his keys

"Ah, if I could just find my keys" He mumbles to himself little did he notice the two boys standing at his door

"In you coffee cup. You always drop them in your empty cup" The sound of Stiles, the real Stiles fills his ears and he turns to see his son and Scott, standing at the door. But no Nicole. He makes his way over to his son and embraces him in a tight hug.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now