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Nicole was sitting with her mother on a couch in front of a fireplace, she was so happy to see her mother. She knows that being here can't be real, though she's acting as if it is. Spending time with her mother is all she ever wanted and now she got it. Her thoughts are thinking about how she can't wait to tell Stiles that their mother is here and she actually spoke to her. He's going to be so excited, even though she doesn't know where he is. She turns to her mother, grabbing her hand and smiling.

"So you knew all of this?" Nicole asks Claudia

"I watch over you, my love" She tells her daughter which brings a smile upon her face

"But I'm a werewolf, I'm seeing a guy who is twice my age and you seem very happy" Nicole says shaking her head

"Well, I don't think of you as a dissapointment" She says and Nicole gives her a smile

"What about Stiles?" Nicole asks her

"Finally we land on the subject of your brother" Her mother says only this time her voice turns dark, low and like a man. Nicole looks at her mother's hand bandaged and she lets go of it immediately. Looking up she sees and face, not her moms but it's scary and she screams.

"Who are you? What did you do to my mom?" She asks the creature with a bit of loudness in her voice

"Your mother was never here" The creature says and that's when everything around the both people become dark and cold

"What are you?" Nicole asks and looks at the creature, her body becoming colder by the second

"I'm a Nogitsune, I feed off of strife and pain which is how I get into your brother's head" He tells her

"What do you want? Where are my friends?" Nicole asks the Nogitsune

"You are in your own head, I'm just keeping you company" It tells her and she looks around

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now