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"My father said all of the Katashi evidence is being moved to a federal lockup by armored car tonight. Probably within the next few hours" Allison tells Scott, Aiden, Ethan and I as we walk into her apartment. We have to find the scroll, it's the only way we will be able to help Stiles

"We're going to rob an armoured car?" Ethan asks as we look over at Lydia

"Well, we're going to try" Lydia tells us and I sigh

Soon wnough we were all sitting in Allison's father's office. Lydia told us the plan and now we are all looking at her like she is crazy because this plan is going to faile, big time.

"This is a really bad plan" Scott tells them

"It's not that bad" Lydia tells us

"It's not that good" Ethan says arms folded and is pacing while Aiden is in the other chair rubbing his temple trying to take all of this in

"None of us know the route they're going to take. If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armoured car, then we can follow" Lydia says and leans on the desk

"So when it gets here..." Allison says and points on the map

"We attack them" Aiden buts in and I look over at him

"No. Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you had an accident. And when the driver gets out to help-"

"We attack him?" Aiden says and I'm just done

"No" Lydia and Allison exclaim

"You'll distract him. And Scott will break open the back door" Lydia tells him

"I hope" Scott says

"And you'll get Katashi's finger" Lydia tells Ethan

"It's not his actual finger, is it?" He asks

"You are so out of our league" Lydia says

"Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?" Ethan asks

"Because if he gets caught, and it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence" I tell him and cross my arms

"Guys, this is going to work. We can do this. We're loosing Stiles. My dad is in jail for murder. We need to do this" Allison says and I nod


A little while later I'm still at Allison's with Lydia. Scott went to get something from his house and it's getting dark. I keep thinking about last night betwenn me and Scott, I can't believe we made out and he likes me. He actually likes me, I'm still a bit in shock. I feel a sudden voice in my head.

Let me in

No riddle this time, Stiles. You know what it means

Let me out!

Let me in!

"He's in his head!" I feel myself yell and that's when I feel hands on my shoulders, but I can't see who it is because my eyes are shut tight

"Who's head?" I hear Lydia's voice

"Get out his head!" I yell and open my eyes only to meet Scott's big brown ones. I gasp and pulls him in, wrapping my arms around him and I see Kira standing behind, her eyes soft as she watches me hug him and he hugs back

"What just happened?" Allison asks

"The Nogitsune is in Stiles' head, we have to do this now" I tell them letting go of Scott and they all don't know how to respond to this, espescially Kira who seems more sad than confused or shocked. And now I feel like a total bitch, cause I know she really liked him.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now