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I hate my brother. He woke me up in the middle of the night, not to go out or to go on an "adventure", but he brought me to school. Like, who the hell brings someone to school in the middle of the night, does he want to fight me? An angry Alpha, who is going through her time of the month again? Because I gaurantee you he will lose, he will definitely lose. We are walking toward the locker rooms and Stiles in holding a flashlight. I extend my claws and use my index finger to unlock the door, I look over at Stiles with a smile as we walk in.

"You know what? I wanted to talk to you about something" Stiles says and I look up at him

"What? If it's another Lydia problem I'm sure you're fine, okay? You saved her from almost getting her leg taken off" I tell him with a smile, but he shakes his head

"No it's not that, I wanted to know if you by any chance have feelings for Peter?" He asks me and I sigh giving him a small smile

"I know you're only asking me this because you heard my dream. I promise you there is nothing going on between Peter and I, okay? I just don't happen to hate him as much as you guys" I tell him and he's got a sad look on his face

"Nicky, he's a bad guy and I don't want you to get hurt. Plus he is like twice as old as you" Stiles says and I purse my lips

"Have you guys forgotten I'm an Alpha? I mean come on" I tell him and he chuckles

"I guess you could handle yourself, I just don't want anything to happen to you" Stiles says and I pat him on the back "Oh, Scott also doesn't like how you have your friendship with Peter as well"

"He doesn't?" I ask and furrow my eyebrows

"He said it's weird and if Peter lays a hand on you, he's going to kill him and he doesn't care what it does to the colour of his eyes" Stiles says and I am really confused as I take all this information in

"Anyway, you wanna call Scott and tell him to get his butt down here or not because it's late and I'm tired" I tell him and he nods pulling out his phone

"Get your ass down here now. We have a job to do" Stiles says to Scott over the phone

"Dude, I'm already in bed. And aren't we getting a little old for this?"

"We do this for coach" Stiles says and we continue to walk

"I thought we did this to coach"

"Whatever, okay? You know he needs this. He lives for this stuff, you know? He loves it" Stiles says opening a locker

"But it's the middle of the night"

"12:15 actually. Which means it's after midnight and officially mischief night/day, and, by perfectly awesome coicidence, it also happens to be Coache's birthday. So if you're are not down here in five seconds, I will destroy you. Okay? And I mean five, four, three, two.. " Stiles says turning around and that's when Scott appears form behind us with glowing red eyes, I knew he was there but Stiles literally just pissed his pants

"One" Scott says while his eyes return to normal and he smiles

"I hate you" Stiles says and he lays on the floor

"That's why you're my best friend" I tell Scott and wrap my arms around his waist, looking up at him with a grin and he returns it


We're sitting in Econ, and I'm talking to Scott before the class starts.

"The twin tells me that you hate the thought of me and Peter being friends. Is this true?" I ask him and lean forward, grinning

"Has he done anything-"

"Son of bitch!" We hear Coach yell cutting Scott off and everyone chuckles, including us as he storms through the door "Mischief night, Devil's night. I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil. You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A mans house is supposed to be his castle. Mine's a freaking omlet"

Coach slams Scott's desk with his hands and the whole class begins to laugh even harder than before. Coach picks up a gift box with a bow.

"Oh, this? We're going to do this again? I don't think so" Coach says and drops the box to the ground and steps on it, but only to hear the sound of glass breaking. He bends over and picks up the now broken mug that's says #1 coach and reads the card "Happy birthday. Love, Greenberg"

Coach is literally the most funniest, scariest, dumbest person alive. I love him, like, a father or a goldfish, but he's too much. I turn my head and I see Lydia swatting around her head, I raise my eyebrow and turn to her.

"What are you doing?" I ask her

"There's a fly" She says and I look around, but it seems like there's nothing here


My dad came into the school with his deputies and Scott's dad, there's a killer on the loose and he is somewhere in the school according to Stiles' information which he has given us. I mean this guy went on a school bus, killed four kids and left one wihtout a pair of legs. Stiles and I were about 6 when this happened, I remember my dad didn't come home that week of trying to find him. But then they found him and apparently his out again.

"Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes? He said those exact words?" Isaac asks

"Yeah. And no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia. Just that when they opened him up, they found a tumour full of live flies, which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome" Stiles says but Lydia stops and I look over at her

"Did you say flies?" She asks

"Lydia?" Allison asks

"All day I have been hearing this sound. It's like... This buzzing" Lydia says

"Like the sound of flies?" Allison asks walking closer to Lydia

"Exactly like the sound of flies" Lydia says


We've been trying to find Scott for the past half an hour and nothing. Lydia and I left Stiles to find Scott, we went to the police instead and found out that they couldn't find him and are about to leave. We turn the corner and see Scott and Stiles.

"Dude, where the hell have you been?" Stiles says

"The police are leaving" Lydia says as we walk up to them

"Why are they leaving?" I ask and look at Stiles

"The police?" Scott asks

"They must've cleared the building and ground, which means he's not here" Stiles says in realisation

"Who? What are you guys-"

"He has to be here" Lydia says cutting Scott off "That sound... The buzzing I've been hearing? It's getting louder"

"How loud?" Stiles asks and by the expression on her face I'm guessing really loud


Hey guys, your girl got lazy so this chapter is really short and I'm sorry so I'm going to put up this chapter and the next chapter. I hope you liked this one because I didn't it was boring, no detail kills me because I'm so busy with school and all that nasty junk. 



BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now