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"Well, if we're not going to kill him, why aren't we just tying him down with really big chains?" Aiden asks and I shake my head. We have no plans and I think that is the best we could come up with, well the best he could've come up with.

"I might have something more affective" Deaton tells us and I watch him opening a mini briefcase, pulling out a small bottle filled with liquid. I don't know what it's for or what it does, but as soon as Deaton used the little squirting thing. Stiles' body jump up with his eyes open and his hand grabbing hold of Aiden's neck as grunts and groan were being thrown around.

"Get him off me! Get him off me!" Aiden grunts and Stiles sends out an evil laugh as I cringe. Scott pulls Stiles off of Aiden and his hand starts to shake as he relaxes on the couch.

"Kanima venom. Nice touch. You know how they say that twins get a feeling when the other one's in pain? You didn't loe that talent, too, did you? Oh, I hope not. You going to need it" Stiles tells Aiden and furrow my eyebrows as we all try to put together eaxctly what this thing inside my brother is tryign to tell us "Okay, I'll give a little hint. Ethan's at the school"

"Go" Scott demands and I shake my head as Stiles' evil laughs starts again.

"Oh, I hope he gets there in time. I like the twins. Short tempers. Homicidal ompulsions. They're a lot more fun than you bakemono trying to save the world every day" I tried my best to try and get into his head, but nothing seems to be working. It's as if the Nogitsune is putting a barrier in Stiles' mind "Don't even bother trying to get into his mind, Nicole. Your brother is long gone" He says and I glare at this thing

"Doc, you brought something to paralyze his body. You got anthing for his mouth?" Melissa asks Deaton

"Yes, I do" Deaton tells her and rips a piece of ducktape and places on Stiles' face, making him scream and giggle, evily.


I sat with Melissa as she cleans my brother's wound. I'm just looking at Stiles, trying to come up with any possible reason that my real brother could still be in there. You know what I couldn't think of one, but something did click insinde of me. When I got into his head at Eichan House, he was with Malia and it's as if they had a bond which I can't explain. Maybe she is the ticket to bringing him back into the real world and letting the Nogitsune go. All of a sudden I hear this sniffling and it's Stiles, eyes puffy and red.

"Stiles" Melissa says as it sounded more like a question and he nods as I watch the tears pour out of him. With one swift move Melissa removes the tape from his mouth, but I grab her hand.

This is a trick "He's messing with you" I tell her and Stiles' tears suddenly dried up and he was a little disappointed that she fell for it

"Really, Melissa? I shed one tear? That's all it takes? Come on now. You can't crumble that easily. How are you going to hold up when Scott knows the truth?" Stiles says and I know exactly what he is talking about

"What?" Melissa asks and I shake my head

"When he finds out why his dad really left? You know they overheard it, right?" Stiles asks and Melissa glances over at me and I shrug "You had no idea. You called Stilinski right after it happened. You didn't tell Scott, but you told the Sheriff. Hmm. But Stiles heard it like he hears everything. But you want to know why he never told Scott? Because he knew that Scott would never forgive you. He knew how much he would hate you" Stiles tells her

"This isn't you, Stiles" Melissa says

"It is now" Stiles says and squint my eyes at this thing, pulling my hand back and aiming for his face. Giving him a lovely red hand mark on his left cheek. Melissa sticks the tape back on him and I smirk. I was getting up to go over to Scott but he is already making his way over to me and I raise an eyebrow as the door bells rings.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now