Six: Lacrosse Is Beautiful

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Kira, Malia and I have taken our seats on the bleachers on the lacrosse field, but I'm so shocked at what happened between Scott and I. It's rattling every nerve in my body and I'm having hot and cold flushes because he gave me a chased kiss, how weird is that. I hate myself for even bothering to talk to him at all, if I didn't walk up to their conversation I would have not been kissed, I feel so dirty. "What's wrong with you?" I hear Malia ask

I turn to her and she's looking at me with her brows raised "Me? Nothing" I say awfully too quickly

She places both of her hands in her lap then says "You reek of anxiety" and I cringe "and it's distracting. What's going on?" She asks and I groan

"Scott and I had this thing happen, I mean at first I didn't think much of it because it happened so fast but now I can't stop thinking about it and how it's not much of a thing" I tell her

I feel Kira lean forward and ask "Well what do you want it to be?" I sigh as I look back onto the lacrosse field

"More" I say and watch Scott as I hold onto this lacrosse stick. I don't know what to think about us, but I do know that I want to be with him, I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Watching these tryouts is a little embarrassing if your brother and best friend both suck. I watch as Stiles throws the ball, but it ends up in the goalie's stick. Wow. Scott was next but he had no luck either and then their was this freshmen, he decides to be all hot stuff on the field and get every single shot into the net. Show off, who even is this kid?

"Isn't the captain supposed to be one of the best players on the team or good?" Kira asks and I nod

"They're dying out there, this is so embarrassing" I tell them and they nod. I watch as Scott and Stiles walk off, talking to each other. This isn't going well and I can't sit here and watch them, so I walk down the bleachers and go towards them. "You guys are making us look bad are you forgetting we have to hang out with you?" I ask them and Stiles shoves me

"Nicole, shut up" Stiles says

I pat his shoulder and say "I'm just joking, I came here to add some pep into your lacrosse lives" They shake their heads and I continue "Scott, I hate watching some little freshmen steal all your glory because I know you earned you title as captain on this team. Now, alpha up and kick their asses"

He smiles at me and that's when a whistle is blow, turning around I see Coach looking at the three of us "Female Stilinski! Off the field, this is a mans sport. It takes balls to be on this field" He says and I cringe

"Which none of these boys have!" I yell back and that's when they all makes noises

I feel the slight shove of Stiles and he says "Excuse me?" I turn around and smile at him

Coach walks over to me to us and he is starring me down then says "You think you could make a goal?" I nod with my arms folded and he laughs, but soon stops when I raise an eyebrow "Oh you were serious. Okay, let's see if you got what it takes to be on this team, if you get even one ball into the goal... You're automatically on the team"

"What, All I need to do is make one shot?" I ask and he nods then blows the whistle "This is going to be so weird"

"Go get changed... Quick!" Coach says and I run. Okay, I'm trying out for Lacrosse.


I got back on the field in my leggings that go over my knee a little bit and a grey Nike shirt. I ran up to coach and tied my hair into a pony tail, he handed me the gloves and the stick. I'm freaking out on the inside. "Okay, I feel like you're doing this just to prove boys are better than girls" I tell coach and he doesn't answer he just blows the whistle, I swear if he blows it again, I'm going to hit him with it.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now