Seven: Kira's A Crazy Fox

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I parked my car in front of Kira's house and grabbed my overnight bag whilst getting out. I can't believe Scott and I are official, I know the kiss happened like three hours ago but I'm freaking out and I will always freak out because I've known Scott for a really long time and even though I spent a couple of years away from him and everyone else, I feel like we've always been together. I mean whenever I'm with him I have butterflies and when I'm not with him I feel like someone is burning a whole in my heart, it's so weird. I walk through the opened front door of Kira's home and see her house looking clean and spotless, her mother standing in a really nice dress and has food set out on the table. "Good evening Mrs Yukimora, is Kira here" I ask and she smiles

She neatens herself up and says "Hi, Nicole she's in her room" I smile and wonder off

But before I completely leave I turn to her and say "That dress looks so good on you, Mr Yukimora is a lucky man" I watch her chuckle at my comment and then wonder off. "Knock, Knock" I say as I enter Kira's room and leave my bag on the floor jumping on her bed.

"Okay spill the details, what happened between you and Scott?" She asks and I watch her twirl her new lacrosse stick around "I mean you are too happy" She says and I sigh

I lay down on my stomach with my feet up and rest my chin in the palms of my hands as I tell her what happened "I can't believe he kissed and he did it without any warning he practically took me by surprise, I loved every second of it" She smiles as she continues to work on her lacrosse skills, I watch her twirl it like her nunchucks and I am amazed

"I still can't believe we made the lacrosse team, can you?" She asks and I shake my head "Wow, you get a boyfriend and I get the chance to be a better fox" We laugh at that, but our laughter was cut short when someone yells

"KIRA!" I turn to her and she smirks, was that her mother? I think so

I turn to her and fold my arms "What did you do?" I ask and she twirls her stick one more time. Oh this crazy fox.


Lydia, Kira and I were in Biology, starring blankly at Lydia's computer. I watch as a whole bunch of numbers pop up on the screen and I am so confused because apparently Lydia gave Malia some notes, but the truth is they weren't really notes, they weren't even math if we're being honest. "These are your math notes?" Kira asks and I push my hair back "No wonder Malia's failing" Kira says again and I chuckle

Lydia continues to scan over the jumbled up letters, numbers and symbols and says "Some of these are my notes, the rest might actually be a code"

I look from the computer to Lydia and say "Do you even remember writing them?" She goes wide eyed shaking her

"Not in the slightest" She answers then turns to Kira, but glances up at me "But considering my drawing of a tree lead us to the nemeton, I should probably figure out what it means before it tries to kill us"

"Maybe it's like the Enigma code allies used, I remember my dad was a world war two buff and my mom was well... In it" Kira says and I laugh quietly, but not even a lot

I look back over the notes or well code and something pops into my head "Guys, I think this could possibly be a variation of something called Vignère Cipher" I turn to Lydia and say "I swear I've seen you read about it"

"Do you know how to crack it?" Kira ask and I fold my arms looking at Lydia as she tilts her head to the right

Looking at us she say "With a key" making it sound more like a question than an answer, but before we could say anything a pair of keys were dangled in front of us, looking up I see Ms Natalie Martin, Lydia's mom.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now