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Third Person's POV:

Lydia and Stiles have been trying the entire day to do something, until Stiles found out that Jennifer now has Mr Argent and he completely broke down. The only way Lydia was to get him to stop panicking was for him to hold his breath, she kissed him which he held his breath. Stiles knew Nicole would be feeling the exact same way. But now Lydia is at Derek's loft trying to find the location of the Nemeton after realising that's is where Jennifer is keeping the missing parents.

"You don't know where it is? But Stiles you have been there" Lydia tells the older wolf

"We have. But after a few memorable experiances there, Talia, Derek's mother and my older sister, decided that she didn't want us ever going back" Peter tells Lydia "She knew how dangerous it was, and took the memory of it's location from us"

"But then how are we supposed to find it?" Lydia asks but Peter didn't have an answer for that which isn't very helpful considering the lunar eclipse is a night away.


Meanwhile, Scott made the choice to leave with Deucalion and it was only to save his mother. Scott thinks that by doing this it will help save everyone actually, but his friends don't seem to think so because Deucalion isn't doing this for Scott, he's just being selfish and wants to make a killer out of the true Alpha. Scott stands next to Deucalion and watches the fireflies, that aren't supposed to be in Beacon Hills.

"It's a firefly" Scott says

"Unusual for this region" Deucalion says, even though the man can't see. He sees as a wolf

"It's because of Jennifer, Isn't it?" Scott asks "Just before all this started, a deer crashed into Lydia's car. Thye cats went crazy at the Animal Clinic. Birds flew into the high school. It was all her."

"They say animals can sense natural disaters when they're about to happen. Maybe they can sense supernatural ones as well" Duke says to Scott

"Does she scare you?" Scott asks the almighty and power 'demon' wolf

"She concerns me if she's willing to kill that many innocent people for her cause. People like your mother and the Stilinski twin's father" He replies

"Are you willing to kill innocent people?" Scott asks

"I'll kill any living thing that gets in my way" Duke says


Nicole's POV:

After Mr Argent was taken and I had a nervouse breakdown in the car. The only thing left to do was to go to Deaton for help, he's the only one with enough information that can help us find the Nemeton and our parents. When I found out that Mr Argent was taken, outside I was strong and brave, but on the inside I'm feeling empty and scared. The last time I ever felt like that was when my mother died, that whole day Stiles and I waited for my dad to show up to the hospital, it was late he told us, after he just got off a shift. He was on his way to the hospital, but a call came in a car pile-up. He told us about the girl and how she knew about my mother being in the hospital and dying, she knew but my dad didn't believe her. He stayed with her until her heart stopped beating, after they had pulled her out from under the truck. And when he did decide to come to the hospital, it was too late. My mother had already died and I know that my dad blames himsel for that, he thought that maybe if he was there she would've held onto life a bit longer but she couldn't because there was no time.

"It had to be on a telluric current, or maybe even at the axis of two, or where they all intersect. I just know it's where Derek took Paige to die" Stiles says leaning over the operating table in the clinic

"My dad and Gerard were there once. But Gerard says it was years ago and he couldn't remember where it was. And my dad obviously isn't here to tell us now" Allison says putting her head down

"Yeah, mine either" Stiles says and I rub his back

"Then how do we find this place?" Isaac asks

"There might be a way. But it's dangerous. We're gonna need Scott" Deaton says


I'm freaking out, my brother is about to die. But only for a few seconds, he's still going to be dead and I can't breathe. I offered to go in for Stiles but he refused because when it comes to this sort of thing, I'm not really your type of girl who dies then comes back to life. I hope he doesn't stay under for longer than a few seconds or minutes. I hope he just goes in and comes out like a normal person would, but it's not like a normal person would do this.

"All right" Deaton says as I fill the last tub with a bag of ice "What did you bring?"

"Um, I got my dad badge. Jennifer kind of crushed it in her hand, so I tried hammering it out a bit. Still doesn't look great" Stiles says and I can feel the tears in my eyes start to form

"It doesn't need to look good if it has meaning" Deaton says

"is that an actual silver bullet?" Isaac asks and I look down at Allison's hands to see her holding one

"Yeah, my dad made it as kind of a ceremonial thing. When one of us finishes learning all the skills to be a hunter, we forge a silver bullet as testament to the code" Allison says

"Scott?" Deaton asks

"My dad got my mom this watch when she first got hired at the hospital. She used too say it was the only thing in her marriage that ever worked" Scott says with a little chuckle at the end

"Okay. The three of you will get in. Each of us will hold you down until you're essentially well, dead. But it's not just someone too hold you under. It needs to be someone that can pull you back. Someone that has a strong connection to you, the kind of emotional tether" Deaton says
"Lydia, you go with Stiles"

"Are you sure? I mean Scott and I have too both go under" Allison says and then we realise that Isaac is the one that needs to hold her down.

I think I just figured out who I want to be with.

"It's okay" Scott says

"And Nicole you will hold Scott down" Deaton says and I look up at Scott, but I didn't know I had a connection to him. I thought I would be the one to hold Stiles down, I guess not.

I watch them getting in one by one. I can tell that the water is too cold, but they seem to be handling it quite well. I know I would freeze my butt off. All three of them are shivering as they sit in the tubs filled with ice.

"By the way, if I don't make it back and you do, you should probably know something. Your dad's in town" Stiles says and Scott if shivering as he faces forward. They all give each other one last glance and that's when the three of us get ready to push them down. I gently place my hands on Scott's shoulder's and I push him down. Now all we have to do is wait.

Boring I know I just had a lot go on today, like my fish died and I'm losing my mind because I only hand for like a month and a half but he was a really good fish anyway here's your chapter.


BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now