Twelve: Parrish Is Our Saviour

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Stiles, Lydia and I follow P-dog into the waiting room of the Sheriff station in front of my dad's office. You know what I am hating, the fact that my favorite person in the whole wide world, P-dog is on the dead pool for five million dollars. I mean he has been lying to me this whole time about who and what he is, I'm freaking out but Stiles and Lydia seem to be the only normal ones in this situation. I mean Parrish knows everything there is to know about me because whenever I'm at the station waiting for my dad or if I need to talk to him, I wait and talk to Parrish. This is all messed up. "Your dad should be back within the hour. You want to wait in his office?" He asks us and I sigh. Lately,whenever I'm around Parrish I get this vibe or feeling. It's like we've known about each other forever, but I barely know him. He's really attractive, I mean I don't get down like that but he is.

Stiles is nervous and so is Lydia they're both giving me the same vibe and it's annoying, neither of them say anything so I say "Actually, is it okay if we could talk to you, privately?"

He looks at me suspiciously before nodding slowly and walks us into my dad's office. I close the door behind us and watch Parrish as he takes a seat on the table. Lydia hands him the list, dead pool to be precise and he scans over it carefully. "This a hit list?"He asks

"We call it a dead pool" Stiles says and puts his hands together "Recognize any of the names?" He asks and I watch P-dog scan over it again

He nods as he tell us "Yeah. The Sheriff made me run a bunch of these through the system last night. But we couldn't find any of them"

Just wait until you see the last name on that list, I think to myself "Show him the other thing" Stiles says and I flip the page over, revealing his first and last name on the back.

He stands up straight and turns around "Okay. That's kind of terrifying" He says and he sigh asking "What's the number?"

Lydia clears her throat as she says "That's how much you're worth" Parrish is shocked and disappointed, why?

"I'm worth five dollars?" That's why. What a joker. Really, does he honestly think people are trying to kill him for five dollars? Not even ten but five dollars!

I sigh and shake my head at him before saying "P-dog, you're worth five million dollars" Silly P-dog.

He glances between the three of us and he doesn't think we're being serious, but says "I only make, forty thousand a year" Oh, now I feel bad. "Maybe I should kill myself" He says and we all go wide eyed as we glance at each other, okay I get the feeling that he doesn't know he might be supernatural "I don't get this. Why... Why am I on this?"

Stiles shakes his head as he tells the young deputy "Honestly, that might be a question for another day" I nod as he continues "Right now, there's still another third of the list we gotta crack"

I believe we do need help from someone else and by someone else I mean Meridith. I've never met her before and I'm sure by all the things Stiles and Lydia have told me she could be a wacko or she could just be someone who wants to help because she did help Lydia and Malia crack the second part of the list. "We need the third cypher key" Lydia says "But we need help getting it"

"From who?" Parrish asks us and I cringe because apparently the last Meridith helped Lydia mad her mad and she freaked out

Lydia rolls her neck a little bit and says "Meridith" Like I said, I've never met her and maybe she is a nut job but she's a Banshee and we need her

Parrish's eyes go wide as he says "The girl from Eichan?" He asks and Lydia smile "The last time you saw her, you almost gave a nervous breakdown" He says as he opens the door

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