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"The Bestiary is literally 1,000 pages long. If I'm going to find anything about flies coming out of people's bodies, it could take me all night" Allison says opening a window in one the classrooms, I'm supposed to be with Scott, trying to sniff Barrow out, but the humans come first in my eyes so I'm with Stiles, Allison and Lydia.

"And remember, the word in archaic Latin for fly is Musca" Lydia tells Allison who is climbing out the window

"Got it" Allison say and she leves us

"Okay, where do we start?" I ask the two of them

"Upstairs. We gotta go" He says taking one last glance at the clock. I seriously hope that Barrow isn't here because I don't want to die today or any day for that matter.


We ar in the art room and we are looking around, all I'm thinking is why would Barrow come to the art room? Is he going to paint us a distructive potrait or something? Like, come one Stiles you are better that this. Actually I take that back, he isn't he's not better than this at all. He actually sucks. I hate my brother. Just kidding, I love him to death, but if I die today I'm coming back to haunt his crazy ass.

"Scottand Isaac are in the basement, right?" Lydia asks

"Yeah, with Ethan and Aiden. The plan is we meet in the middle, uh, in the boiler room" Stiles says and I nod

"All of the wolves... All of the ones with glowing eyes are in the basement at the boiler room?" Lydia questions and that's when I realise that because Barrow was an engineer he could blow up the whole school by just using the boiler room

"Oh, my God! An engineer could use a boiler room to blow up the whole school" I tell them

"We have to get them out of there" Lydia says

"We have to get everyone out" Stiles says

"How do we do that?" I ask

"I got a plan" Stiles says and I sigh, making our way out of the art room and Stiles pulls on one of the fire alarms. It starts ringing and Stiles is excited when he sees all the students walking out of their classes. I turn back around and see Coach, my eyes widen trying to give Stiles the signal to let go

"Wow" Stiles says jumping as Coach stand there and with one swift move, Coach is pulling Stiles out of the school by his ear

"Pulling a fire alarm on Michief night is one thing. Doing it when there's a mass murderer spotted nearby is insane! If I were four years younger, I'd punch you" Coach says and I cock my head back

"What? Coach, that doesn't make sense" Stiles says

"Oh, well, it does to me!" Coach says walking away

"There they are" I say and we walk towards the wolves

"We couldn't find anything" Aiden says

"Not even a scent" Scott adds

"It's 3:00, so school's over" Stiles says

"If there was a bomb, wouldn't he have set it off by now?" I ask

"Does that mean everybody's safe?" Ethan asks

"I don't know? I just... I don't know" Lydia says


I'm at home and I'm sitting at my desk. I'm online shopping, well online window shopping because I have no money at the moment. I exit out of the shopping website and a picture pops up of Peter and I, laying in Derek's bed. I honestly laugh everytime I see this photo because that night he was sleeping and I got bored, so I took out my phone and started taking pics of him sleeping, he ended up catching me and then we took a proper selfie together. I mis him. I just want him to call me and just tell me to come over or something. Then out of the blue, my phone starts to ring. Coincidence?

"Hello?" I say as the number was blocked

"Nicole" I hear Peter's voice and I take in a deep breath whilst I smile

"Where have you been?" I ask him as I hear his low chuckle

"I'll explain everything, but I just need to see you. Meet me at Derek's" He tells me and without a good bye he hangs up.

"Yo!" I hear Stiles and I see him and Lydia standing by my door, I quickly exit out of the picture that was of Peter and I. I turn and I look at them with a smile

"Hey, guys I can't talk right now I gotta go meet up with-" I realise I was about to say Peter, but Stiles is right there and I can't do that because after lying to him about Peter it didn't feel right.

"Who do you have to meet up with?" Stiles asks me and I have no idea what to say

"Danny" I blurt out and I have no idea why I just said that "He's having boy troubles and he needs my help"

"Oh, I heard about how Ethan caught him kissing Jack" Lydia says giving me a look of how she knows that's not who I'm going to see

"Yeah, I gotta go. I'll see you guys later" I tell them and grab my bag walking out my room


I parked my car in one of the parking spaces in front of Derek's building. I don't know if I should see Peter or not? Maybe I should just go home, I did miss him don't get me wrong but there's going to be some serious conciquences if I'm with him, relationship wise. And I hate myself for it, I'm thinking about it all day and all night since he's been gone. I failed my chemistry test because I was thinking about hiim and my dad doesn't even know. Speaking of my dad if he ever finds out about Peter and I, I'm in a whole lot of trouble. And it's going to be all my fault if Peter gets in trouble. I turn my head taking a giant breath and I see Peter's face on the other side of the window. I scream so loud that he actually covered his ears. I roll down the window and he smiles at me.

"Why are you sitting in your car?" Peter asks me and I shrug "You were supposed to meet me at the loft, not outside"

"I was about to come inside, I was just thinking" I tell him and he looks at me funny, I roll the window back up, open the door and get out the car, closing the door behind me. I turn around and bring him in, smashing my lips against his. He pulls away and looks at me

"Not that I didn't like that, but what was it for?" He asks me and I smile

"I missed you" I tell him and throw arms around his neck, kissing him again

"Can you stay over tonight?" He asks letting go of the kiss

"At Derek's?" I ask with an eyebrow raised

"No, at my apartment?" He asks

"I"m sure I could, I don't think I'm doing anything adventurous tonight" I tell him

"I didn't think so, considering your bag in the front seat has clothes in it" He says and I smile

"Come on" I tell him and he walks around getting into my car


Another one. I'm sorry for short  chapters, they will get better near the end and for the next book. Thanks for reading.



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