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We sit in Allison's car in front of a werehouse of some sort and the only thing I'm thinking of is, did Stiles tell our dad everything or not? I honestly hope he did because the school recitle is tonight and I have a feeling something bad is about to go down. "You really don't think we should call Scott?" Isaac asks Allison from the back seat

"Stay behind me and stay quiet" She says and I follow her out the car. We walked into this big building with double doors. I feel a hand slip into mine and I realise it's Isaac

I look up at him and I smile whilst we continue to walk in "FYI, if your dad tries to kill me or Nicky, I'm going to defend us" Isaac says giving my hand a squeeze

"If my dad tries to kill you, you'll be dead" Allison whispers

"Thanks for the vote of confidence" I say and continue to walk forward but Isaac pulls both Allison and I back.

"I smell blood" He says and I look around

"Where? What direction?" Allison asks him

"I don't know. I'm not good at this yet" He tells her then points forward "But I think it's..."

Allison begins to walk forward leaving Isaac and I behind. I'm so scared right now, I'm actually holding onto Isaac's arm like I'm going to die. "Allison" I warn her but she doesn't listen "Allison, Wait!"

But she doesn't we just see Mr Westover, struggling to get out of the chain which are restricting him from doing anything. I look closer and I see someone in a hood, then out of now white, cold eyes are starring right back at us making a loud screeching sound.

"Allison! Don't!" Isaac yells at her

"Get down!" I hear come from behind us and I see Mr Argent with guns, shooting at the Darach who is trying to sacrifice this poor teacher

"Help him!" Argent yells and I get up, I run over to the fence which the man is tied up to and I look at him

"That's Mr Westover" Allison says

"It's our history teacher" Isaac says

"We were wrong. It's not gaurdians as in law enforcement" Allison says "It's philosophers as in teachers" I say and Mr Argent is confused at my knowledge "Who is this?" He asks "Sheriff's daughter, Nicole Stilinski" Isaac tells him and I wave a little bit "You've been tracking the killer on your own this whole time?" Allison asks her father

"Yeah, and I was this close" Argent says picking up bullets from the floor "Coul've caught him is the three of you..." "So it's my fault?" Allison asks stepping closer to her dad "That you've been lying to me for the past two months?"

"You wanna tally up the lies, Allison?" Her father asks her "I don't think you're going to come out ahead on that one" "Hey, just a thought. Maybe right now isn't the best time for a little family meeting? There's still one more teacher" Isaac says and I nod

"The recital" Argent says "I guess we're going after all" Allison says


We running into the school trying to save lives because we know something bad is about to happen. Cora is in the hospital, she was hit over the head with a weight. Stiles called me on the way here, saying that he tried to convince our dad but he just wasn't having it today, he actually yelled at him in the hospital and by the way Stiles described it, I know our father is angry with an intense passion. We walk into the recitle, seeing Scott. I give him a smile but he looks at my hand which is entwined with Isaac's and I pull him towards the Argents.

The music is playing and it sounds really innapropriate for this memorial, that's until Isaac starts groaning in pain, hearing something with his werwolfs ears. Then out of nowhere a cord from inside the piano come loose and slahes the piano players neck, sending them to the floor lifless. I let out a shriek and that's when Allison runs straight past me and towards the stage.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now