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Third Person's POV:

Stiles wasn't prepared to go through all of this at the age of seventeen, neither was his sister and best friend prepared to watch him go through all this. Actually no one was prepared to watch Stiles go through this, mainly because they knew the risks of what would happen if Stiles is infact carrying his mother's disease. It would put a whole in Nicole's heart as well as her their father's, and it would just destroy Scott comepletly because if he lost his best friend he wouldn't be able to go through high school. They were all pretty sure everyone would give up without having Stiles in their lives. But even though her brother could possibly be dying, she couldnt face the fact that she no longer had the ability to be a werwolf, she hasn't even told her family and friends that the Nogitsune took her Alpha strength. Since that night she was dead and stuck in her own head, she can't seem to get the words of the Nogitsune out her head.

After all you can't be both an Alpha and a Empathetic

It kept floating around in her head that she is an Empathetic, she feels anyone and anything's emotions, but now the only problem is how does she get to use it. Do you have to look at the person? Do you touch them? What do you do? She couldn't take it any longer she needed to tell someone. First, she's going to go to Deaton for help.

"I'm not sure I know how to pronounce this. Or if it's not actually a miss spelling" The Doctor says as he looks at Stiles folder

"Just call him Stiles" Sheriff Stilinski tells the doctor

"Stiles, just to warn you, you're going to hear a lot of noise during the MRI. It's due to pulses of electricity going through the metal coils inside the machine. Uh, if you want we can get you headphones or earplugs" The doctor says

"Oh, no, no I don't need anything" Stiles tells the Doctor as he scratches the left side of his face

"Hey, we're just on the other side of that window. Okay?" Mr Stilinski says to Stiles

"Okay" Stiles says and they walk out of the room, giving the three friends a chance to speak to each other

"You know what they're looking for, right? It's called frontotemporal dementia. Areas of your brain start to shrink. It's what my mother hand. It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers. And there's no cure" Stiles tells his sister and best friend

Nicole's eye are red and puffy, she's crying and she knows Scott is too, grabbing both their hands in each of hers, giving them both a squeeze.

"Stiles, if you have it, we'll do something. I'll do something" Scott says and Nicole nods

"Stiles, we're going to get you through this, we are all going to get through this" Nicole tells her brother, they're all crying at this point, wishing this never happened to them. All of this has been tough on them and as you can see it is truly breaking them apart, as they give Stiles one last hug. While Melissa and Sheriff gave each other sad smiles as they watch their kids.


Nicole and Scott sat in the waiting room, Nicole's eyes all red and puffy with her head on Scotts shoulder. He has his hands in front of him, slightly slouched over, as does Derek who is across from them. The three of them were all praying that Stiles was going to be fine, yes, Derek Hale has a small spot in his heart for the sarcastic and spastic boy.

"You know the stuff you were telling me about chemo signals earlier? It reminded me of the time you taught me how to use anger to control the shift" Scott tells Derek who gives him a smirk

"I think you taught me more about that" Derek says and young Scott smiles

"Are you teaching me again?" Scott asks and it seems like he forgot about his best friend being in a MRI machine

"Think of it more like sharing a few trade secrets. You know, I took Cora back to South America, right? It's where she spent most of her time after the fire. But that's not the only reason I left. I needed to talk to my mother" Derek says

"Your dead mother?" Scott asks and Nicole hits him on the arm because of how stupid that question was

"She told me something that changed my perspective and a lot of things. She said my family didn't just live in Beacon Hills. They protected it. This town needs someone to protect it. Someone like you" Derek tells Scott, which puts a small smile on Nicole's face

"And someone like you too teach me a few trade secrets" Scott tells Derek which now puts a smile on his face

"He's trying to protect us. Stiles is protecting us"

"From himself" Derek adds and Nicole is so confused

"What's going on?" She asks them and that is when Scott grabs her hand, running to the roof. Derek is following behind them.

"What are we looking for?" Nicole asks

"I'm not sure. But I don't think Stiles was just struggling up here with himself. I think he was struggling not to do something" Scott says looking down at the wooden crate on the floor, giving him an idea to get on top of it to see what he can find

lifting his hand onto the top of the fence and a bag falls down. The bag has been filled with tools, most seem very dangerous. But more importantly this bag was hidden, but why? Was the question all on their minds. What was he doing up here? Looking for signs of anything that could possibly be an answer to what Stiles was doing on the roof which they stood upon. Until a wire catches their eyes. It's looks frayed and very very dangerous.

Nicole starts to become irritated and fustrtated. Her head is being filled with words of the Nogitsune. She doesn't know where they are coming from and she trying her hardest not to listen to them, but all she hears is...

"Where going to destroy all of them, Stiles. One-by-one"

"No Stiles, get out of your head" Nicole says and grabs the sides of her head

"What?" Derek asks looking down at the girl

"Get out of your head Stiles! Don't listen to him! Don't solve the riddle!" NIcole yells

"Everyone has it but no one can lose it"

"Don't tell him! Stiles! Don't!" Nicole screams once more

"A shadow" And that was it. Nicole heard Stiles tell him, the thing that would make him control him was just an answer to a riddle

"Get out of his head!" Nicole screams and looks at Scott and Derek who are wide eyed

"Who are you talking to?" Scott asks and he gives her a look of confusion

"He got into Stiles' head. Stiles is gone" Nicole whispers as she backs away, Scott tries grabbing her wrist and she pulls it away

"Nicole, what is wrong with you?" Derek asks her and grabs onto her shoulders, pulling her close.

"He's gone" She whispers again, this time she doesn't give them a chance to ask her anymore questions. Removing herself from Derek, she just runs into the hospital. She ran down the steps, heading towards the MRI door. Opening it with a force.

"Nicole?" Her father asks her

"He's gone. Stiles is gone" She breathes out


Yass short chapter, I'm sorry!!! But I'm going to say this for anyone who is confused. Yes, this is a Scott McCall fanfic but they only get together at the end. Sorry for any confusion, thanks for reading.


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