Four: Peter's Been Saving For A Bike

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We've tried to reason with Derek but he is just being his usual self, you know he always has a stick up his ass and quite frankly it's killing the whole vibe we have going on. Words cannot describe how stubborn the sixteen year-old version of Derek Hale is "Why would I go anywhere with you?" Derek says, see told you. Stubborn.

"There was an accident, you lost some memory but we can help you get it back" Scott tells young Derek who is sitting on the couch in my dad's office

Derek's face is confused but still asks "How much memory?"

"A lot but you can trust us" Scott says while he bends down

"You're an alpha" Derek tells Scott which means he probably showed him his eyes

"Okay who are you? And who are they" Derek asks while pointing towards Stiles and I

"Oh we're the people keeping you out of jail" Stiles says and I slap his arm because this is no time for joking poor little Derek

Steeping forward I say "We just want to help you, can we help you?"

I'm feeling his emotions and they're running all over the place. It's like he wants to trust us, but "No" He says and I sigh

"Dude you almost tore apart two cops back there. You need to listen to us and that starts with no claws, no fangs, no wolf man. You got that?" Stiles tells him

"I'm fine as long as it's not on the full moon" Derek warns us

Scott seems intrigued by this and asks "You still have trouble with the full moon?"

"I said I'm fine" Derek states

"Alright, so are you coming with us or not?" Stiles asks and gets off the table

"You want me to trust you?" Derek asks "where's my family?" oh no, this is probably the part where Scott is going to tell the truth. I hope young Derek doesn't tear my face of with his claws.

"There was a fire and..." Scott starts but Derek wants to cry, I can feel it because once Scott says they're dead... It'll be over "They're not here anymore, they're fine, they just had to move out of Beacon Hills and we're going to take you to them as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back."

"Okay" He breathes out and I smile at him.


We stand near the doors waiting for young Derek to finish up his paper work. I know Derek and I aren't exactly close friends, but I do miss him because young Derek is kind of a mood killer. "I shouldn't of done that. I lied my ass off in there" Scott tells Stiles and I while I rub his back with my hand

"Your ass is fine" Stiles begins "You saved him tons of unnecessary pain. We'll figure this out in a day or two, he goes back to being old Derek and everyone's happy except for Derek who's never happy"

"He's just another person that we're lying too. I always feel like it's better when we tell the truth" Scott says "with Lydia, my mom, your dad, Nicole" I smile though because I remember that day I found out I almost died, literally I almost got killed by Boyd and Cora.

"But that is Derek Hale in there. He may be a kid right now but he's still Derek Hale, Scott" Stiles says and I nod

"Okay take him to my house, don't let him out of your sight" Scott says

"Where are you going?" Stiles asks and Scott grabs my hand

"I'm going to talk someone who I should've gone to before" Scott says leading me out of the station

"Yeah I hate that guy" I hear Stiles say and I am so confused who could he possibly want to talk to?

I stop before I get on Scott's bike "Wait, where are we going?" I ask and fold my arms

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now