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"Come on Nicole, it's one night" Stiles is begging me to come to this party with him and Scott but I refuse becuase I'm scared of birds now. Ever since that day at school I feel like I have birds watching my every move and are just waiting for the perfect time to attack

"Stiles, I said no" I tell him while I tie my hair into a ponytail and then stare back at him

"It's Heather's party" He tells me and I sigh because Heather was one of my really close friends but we lost touch when I went to live with my aunt and the boarding school. Oh yeah I forgot to mention the living with my aunt part of the whole boarding school dilemma. Yeah I lived with her when we used to go on break instead of coming back here.

"Okay, I'll make you a deal" I begin and his face just lights up with happiness "If I come to this party... will you jump in front of any bird that comes my way?"

"Wait, is that why you are so afraid of going outside? Because you're scared that a bird is going to attack you?" He asks

"Stiles will you save me if a bird tries to kill me?" I repeat the question and he sighs while rubing his face with both of his hands

"Yes I will defend you from a bird" He says and I smile "Okay, give me 10 - 15 minutes to get ready but I doubt I will take 15 minutes" I say

"Okay just hurry up we have to pick up Scott" He says and walks out my room then I realise what he had just said. Scott is coming and that's when the feeling in my stomach started to rush back like it did when I first saw Scott sitting in class


Scott, Stiles and I are now walking down a road, on our way to Heather's house. I keep looking at Scott and his facial expression seems a little bit sad or depressed, I'm not actually sure which one but either way it doesn't seem like he wants to even go to this party. I can't blame him I mean out of this whole party I'm probably going to know three people, Scott, Stiles and Heather. That's it, that's the only I know. Next time I get invited to a party I'm making sure I know everyone or at least more than three people.

"What?" I hear Stiles ask Scott "What do you mean what?" Scott asks back "I mean what and you know what" Stiles says and I roll my eyes

"What what?" Scott says

"Okay the next person who says 'what' again, I'm going to throw in a river while you're asleep" I tell them both

"That look you were giving" Stiles says completely ignoring me

"I didn't give a look" Scott Argues

"It was a distinct look, Scott" Stiles says

"What look?" Scott asks

"A look that says 'the last thing you feel like doing is going to a party'" Stiles says and I nod

"It's not that, it just seems a little weird going to a different high school's party" Scott says

"I'm with Scott on this one, Stiles" I tell him and he makes a weird groaning noise

"One drink, guys you'll be fine. We went to nursery school with this girl, okay. She promised she would introduce us to a couple of her friends, so tonight... No Allison, no Lydia and no Brett kid. Tonight we're moving on" Stiles says and I nod my head

"You're right" Me and Scott say at the same time

"That's right, I'm right" Stiles says and I laugh

"We're moving on" Scott says letting out a shaky breath

"Onward and upward" Stiles says then they do a weird ass hand shake as we get into the party

"Okay we officially don't know anyone here" I say as we look around "Tell me about" Scott says with a small smile

"Stiles!" I here a perky voice say and I look up to see Heather who is smashing her lips against my brothers

"So glad you made it" Heather says and it seems like she is ignoring both Scott and I "Me too" Stiles responds

"Nicole! Welcome back!" She says and I smile with my eyebrows raise

"Come downstairs and help me pick out a bottle of wine" She tells my brother and my eyes widen in shock as she drags my brother down to the basement

"You know she's been like that ever since we were little, boy crazy" I tell Scott and he laughs then out of nowhere he grabs my hand leading me to the staircase. We sit down and he's just looking at me "What?" I ask and he smiles

"You just look really different from the last time I saw you" He say with a little chuckle at the end

"Well I was a lot uglier back then" I say with a little laugh but it doesn't seem like Scott is happy with my choice of words

"You were never ugly, don't even say that" He says as he places a piece of hair behind my ear and I can feel the dry lump in my throat as he stares into my hazel eyes and I stare back into his big browns ones

"I'm going to get a drink, do you want one?" I ask him as I get up off the stairs while he nods and I walk over to the little punch bowel on the table behind a few girls who are dancing. Seriously? Who dances in front of the beverages? Not a normal person that's who.

After pouring the drink into blue plastic cups, I walk back over to Scott who doesn't seem to be on the steps anymore. I look around and I realise that the front door in open, I go over to close it but I see Scott standing in front of Lydia and... Allison. Of course he can't get over her, I mean look at her, she has love written all over her face as she talks to him. I was a full thinking that the feeling in my stomach meant something to both of us.

Hi Guys, I have nothing to write and this chapter was extremely boring as hell. I just hope you're liking it so far and I know this book is a complete mess so I'm going to give you a big heads up.

In the first chapter Nicole kind of talks Aiden up and trust me, they're not getting together. I promise.

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BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now