Nineteen: Twit's Back

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For the first time in my life I am actually going to kick someone's ass with my human body. I have never used self defence, but Kira doesn't seem like she could do this on her own because I know as soon as she came back from helping her mom she would be mad which is going to pay off and besides helping people is always better than watching them die. We get wet as we enter the back of the school because of the rain which is falling from the sky pretty hard tonight. I can't see much and all I know is that we have to run fast "Kira, I see Brett" I tell her and she runs faster to catch up to the arrow that I watch shoot across the Lacrosse field.

She slashes the arrow in half using her Katana and I grab onto Brett's jacket, I look beside him and his little sister Lori looks up at me "Nicole?" She questions and I smile, aw I've missed her.

"Run!" I hear Kira scream and I look at Brett who is frozen, so I yank on his arm to get his attention.

I hold onto Lori's hand and I hear Brett following behind us "Quickly, get into the car" I tell her, handing her the car keys and I turn back around to see Brett just standing there "Brett come on!" I tell him

"Wait for her" He says and I run over to him

I grab his hand and says whilst pulling him towards the car "Wait for her in the car" I say and he puts up a fight "Brett, the plan was to save what's left of your pack and that's what we're doing" I tell him

"I should be saving you, you're just human" He says and I groan because I'm not "just human" I am a Empathetic

"Save me tomorrow, now get in the car" I tell him and close the door after he gets in the back

I hear footsteps from behind me and I turn around "Nicole, get in the car" Kira says and I get in, right now I am going to start this car and speed out of here. My dad can give me a ticket later. I'm going to go really fast because I am furious with these assassins.

"Buckle up" I tell them after Kira gets in the car and I step on the gas. I've never been so mad in my entire life

"Nicole, did I tell you those jeans look real good on you" Brett says and I groan for the second time

Looking in the review mirror I say to him "Could you not hit on me for like five minutes, I'm trying to save you and your sister" I hear his smug laugh and I roll my eyes


After we reunited Satomi, Brett and Lori as well as the rest of their pack, we started to hide out in the animal clinic waiting for Scott. It's weird as I look at all these people and think that they're all being hunted for money, just a few weeks ago they were living happily and now they're being hunted for money. I just hope we can put this all to an end, I mean this isn't right and I know I've said this already but I swear when I get my hands around this guy. They are going to be in a world full of pain. I look around the animal clinic and then I hear that little bell ring, I see Scott walk through the door and I race towards him and just kiss the living daylight out of him. "You're okay?" He asks and I nod, "You're okay. You're okay." He assures himself and I just hug him, I look up as he asks "Did you and Kira find him? Did you find Brett?"

"Actually, we think we found all of them" I tell him and lead him into the operating room, "Satomi, this is who we were telling you about" I say.

I watch as she turns around, "I know who Scott McCall is" She says and I nod. Okay, now what do we do? Just wait until this all over in the animal clinic?

"Are we safe here?" I hear Lori ask and look at her, then at Brett.

I watch as Scott looks at everyone in the room, I mean Kira and I went to hell and back to save these people. I was so tired, from the bonfire and everything. Then Kira called me, she said she needed my help. I thought she would call Malia if we are being honest, but she said she knows about my whole protection force field or whatever the hell this thing is and she thought it could be useful. "We're going to need help. A lot of help" Scott says looking at Kira and I. I feel my pocket vibrate and I pull out my phone, I look down at the text message and it's from Lydia.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now