Eighteen: No More Bonfires For You

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I can't Believe that I'm about to do this. I mean I haven't had a descent conversation with him in months and now I'm just standing outside his door, contemplating on wether or not to knock. It seems like my emotions had brought me here and now that I'm here, I have a few things to get off my chest. I can feel him moving around in there, his feelings are bouncing off him like oil bounces off bacon. Can't I just go home, no I can't because this is important and I need to talk to Peter asap. I'm worried that if he knows that Malia is his daughter he's going to tell her everything and we can't have that because I love Malia, but I know the Peter will somehow drill into Malia's head and manipulate her like he does with everyone. I'm too scared to knock, but I guess this is what I have to do. I take a deep breath and gently knock on his door three times. What if he just slams the door in my Face or goes all psycho werewolf, I'll freaking cry if he does either. I watch as the door swings open revealing Peter, shirtless. Peter Hale is shirtless, code red, I repeat, code red. I realise I haven't said anything in two minutes so I clear my throat and began speaking "Hi, I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now but can we talk?" I ask and without saying a word he lets me in.

"I'll go put on a shirt, unless you like the view" He says and I roll my eyes with pursed lips. He thinks he's slick, well he's not.

I take a seat on his couch and look around, oh dear god we did it on this exact couch and on that table. It was the same night that I found out he was a father, we came back to his place and did things. I watch him walk back into the room and speak "Malia found out that she's your daughter and she's not talking to any of us" I tell him and he folds his arms starring at me, standing I fold mine as well "If you speak to her, you don't mention anything about us to her. She already thinks I don't like you because of the whole alpha power, killing people thing" I tell him and he hasn't even interrupted me So I continue "I want that to be the only reason she knows why I don't like you" I say

He chuckles at me before stepping closer "What makes you think I care about what you want" He snarls at me and I show how disgusted I am by pulling a face. "You think you can just walk up in here and tell me what to do? No, that's not how it works. See Nicole I opened up to you, I shared things with you that wouldn't have even told my own mother. I treated you as if you were my world and now you mean nothing." He says in a low tone.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I snap, not scared of this twit. "You know if it wasn't for me you'd be in prison right now or worse... Dead. I came here to talk to you because I thought you'd understand considering all the things we had in the past" I add and step forward, now he's feeling intimidated "You think you're so clever, I know what you're doing. You're trying to turn Malia against us" I say

"No, I'm not. Don't you think I deserve to spend time with my daughter after having the memory of her even existing taken away from me" He asks

I shake my head and say "No, you don't. Not after all the things you've done! You're literally mental if you think Malia would ever choose you over us" I say and he's breathing heavily "Look, I didn't come here to fight. I came here to say that if you do choose to mention this to your daughter, I too will bring it up." I tell him and he smirks, I make My way over to the door and open it "If you don't tell her... Then I'll know that the Peter I knew is somewhere behind this Peter that has a stick lodged up his enduringly stoic ass" I add then slam the door as I walk out.

I'm so proud of myself for doing that because I feel like a whole new women, I feel so powerful and alive. Oh who am I kidding I was scared for my life, not of Peter but just doing that scared me. I know Peter would never hurt me, he does care I can feel it. Maybe he won't say anything, but no one can be sure.


I didn't end up going to school today, I was with Lydia and Stiles the whole day trying to break the other list. For some reason I kept replaying what happened between me and Peter in my head, It was good to see him and I'm not going to lie but I did miss him. But my feelings for Scott are too strong and I'm not ruining anything I have with Scott for Peter. I sat in the chair next to Lydia while she in front computer and Stiles stood up near us. There was an annoying beeping sound and I think it's coming from Stiles' printer, "Try Maddy. It's got to be Maddy" Stiles suggests and I shake my head, isn't that a bit obvious.

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