Twenty One: Date Night

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I woke up to the sun shining down on my face, I wasn't in my room nor was I even in my house. I look to my left and see Scott sleeping. We have school today, but Scott and I are going to go late. His mom doesn't know I'm here, we're kind of scared... Well, Scott's kind of scared to tell her because the last time he told his mom about a girl she gave him the whole protection speech and he thinks that since I'm the Sheriff's daughter she's going to finish that that whole speech. Which is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard, I'll tell her myself or she probably already knows. I hear Scott's loud snoring and I had to put up with that the whole night, I turn over and shake him but he doesn't wake up. All he does is mumble something under his breath, so I use all the strength I have to take down an Alpha. I basically kicked him off the bed, I heard the thump and I quickly closed my eyes and turned around. "What happened?" I hear Scott ask, his tone is a little jittery and exaggerated. "Did you push me off the bed?" He asks and I smirk.

"You snore so loud, it's like I'm sleeping next to a lawn mower" I tell him and laugh, he shakes his head with a smirk as he get back onto the bed. I think now is the perfect time to tell him, "Scott?" I ask and he looks at me with those big brown eyes, "Don't get mad. I was just helping and it wasn't my fault, it was that stupid Phantom and it kind of pushed me but then it kind of helped us so you shouldn't be mad because it helped." I say

He's not going to forgive me, he won't. Once he finds out I kiss Peter he's going to hate me forever, "Nicole, you're rambling. You can tell me anything" He says and I smile.

"Okay, I kind of... Well... Kissed Peter." I tell him and just throw my head into his bare chest, I'm going to cry, "You hate me. I hate myself. I shouldn't have done it. I didn't even feel anything. Ugh, Scott I'm so sorry" I mumble into his chest. I hear his chuckles and I look up, "Why are you laughing?" I ask him.

He looks down at me with a small smile, "I don't care that you kissed him. You wanna no why?" He ask and I nod, "Because I know that you like me more than you will ever like Peter" He says and I laugh. "I literally have no competition, I mean look at me... I'm stunning." He says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"I don't know, Derek has a little something something. I think you do have a little competition" I tell him and his smile and confidence drops, "Scott, I'm kidding" I tell him and we laugh "Derek has nothing on you" I say and run my hand over his abs. I feel him move over me and start kissing my neck, he moves his head lower and I giggle because I am ticklish. I look at him as he hovers over me, attacking my lips with his and I smile into the kiss, ugh he's so cute. "Scott" I say and he stops, "We didn't brush our teeth" I tell him and he shrugs, attacking my lips again. I grab his face with both my hands and he puts his hands up my shirt... Well his shirt, but before he reaches my bra we hear footsteps.

"Scott!" I hear Melissa yell. Oh my gosh. Scott gets off me and I get off the bed, I pull down the shirt and tie up my hair. I immediately run to his bathroom which is located in his room, thank god! I quickly close the door gently and wait for Melissa to come into his room. I hear the door open and I try to stay quiet, "I have to leave, right now. I need you to please clean the kitchen, the living room and your room! Scott, this mess is a pig..." Melissa stops talking and I can't see what's happening, "Why is there women's clothes on your floor?" Oh shit. I don't know what's going on, things are quiet and then I hear the sound of the bathroom door open. Melissa is starring me in the face and I smile, innocently. "Get out here, Nicole" She says and I cringe.

Scott moves from under the cover and I look at the bulge in his sleeping short, "Babe, your shorts. Cover your shorts" I say and he looks down, grabbing the blanket and covers himself. I turn around and Melissa isn't angry, she's just confused.

"Hold on, you two are dating now?" She asks and I nod, there is a silence in the room and I cringe "Are you guys having sex?" She asks a little bit slowly.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now