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Third Person's POV: (Nicole's "dream")

Nicole wakes herself up and realised she's not next to Peter. She's not even in her bed. No. She laying on the ground in the preserve, leaves stuck in her hair, the moist mulch hitting her back, no shoes. She doesn't know how she got here or what she's doing here? All she knows is that she needs to get up and get home, she's got to find Peter and get back to sleep. She closes her eyes, the only problem is they will not close. It's like they have been fixed to stay open, she can feel them burning as they continue to look around. Opening her mouth to say something only becomes a soft whisper, screaming Scott's name and Peter's name both become whispers which she doesn't like. She hates being helpless or feeling the need for someone's help, she's it when things are going according to plan or when she's in charge. Even though she doesn't seem like the type, making her an Alpha has definitely brought that side of her alive. She sits up and suddenly everything around her changes. She's not in the woods anymore but a giant white room, everything is white and there isn't anything in it. Within two minutes, the room changes for the second time becoming a house. It's look brand new and very elegant to Nicole, but she doesn't know who it belongs to.

"Hello?" She says voice becoming more louder than when she tried to scream out for Scott and Peter. She walks into a room and she sees the back of a ladies head. From what she can see, this lady has long brown hair just like hers, she's only a few centimetres taller than Nicole. She has a feeling she knows who this is, but she can't place her finger on it. That's until the lady turns around.

"Mom?" She asks and thats's when her mother, Claudia. Gives her a smile

"Nicole, my sweet and beautiful Nicole" Claudia says and brings her into a hug. Nicole shuts her eyes as she takes in this moment

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now