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Not even minutes, but seconds after Peter made me stick a needle in his heart, him and Scott went out to fight of the big Alpha. Leaving Stiles, Jennifer, Derek who is carrying Cora and I to run out of that hospital. I almost tripped running away, but to my surprise Jennifer helped me by grabbing my hand. The last thing we needed to do is get Cora into one of the ambulance vehicles and get her the hell out of here before it's too late and we all end up being killed.

"It's still here!" Stiles yells as we exit the building, going into the basement garage, seeing the ambulance. Derek rushes to it with Cora on his shoulder while Stiles opens up the door and he sets her down gently on the gurney.

"Derek, over her" I hear Miss Blake say but I don't go with them nor do I get into the vehicle. I need to know if Peter's okay. I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I can't just sit around and wait, he could die. I make a run for it, hearing my name being called from behind me, but I ignore it. I continue to run anyway. Heading down the halls of the hospital. But as I come around a corner, I see Peter falling against the wall.

"Oh my gosh" I gasp and I run towards him, but that's when Scott's comes along and grabs him. I look to my right and see an empty room "Scott!"

He looks up at me, bringing Peter to the empty room. As soon as they walk in I shut the door behind us, but I look out it first making sure no one followed.

"Those twins are really starting to piss me off" Peter says

"How the hell are we supposed to get passed them?" Scott asks and I am standing next to Peter, looking down at him while rubbing his back

"Personally, I think if we keep letting them beat the living crap out of us, they'll tire and give up" Peter says and I hit him on the arm "Ow! I am in pain"

"You're an idiot!" I tell him

"What are you even doing here? I thought the plan was to get all humams out alive?" Peter tells

"You're lucky I'm even here, but I couldn't let something happen to you guys" I tell them both "So, how are we getting out of here?"

"I could think of one way" Scott says looking at the laundry chute

"Oh, no" Peter says


We ended up going down the laundry chute. Peter going first, then me. I land on top of him, in the laundry basket and as I'm about to get up, Scott lands on me. I groan as my faces hits Peter's hard, tonned, buff chest... Wait I'm getting carried away, anyway my face just hit his chest. I push Scott off me and groan as I try to remove myself from Peter but I end up falling back into him. I feel his hands on either side on my waist, lifting me up and off him.

"You couldn't have waited, like, 10 seconds?" Peter asks as he starts cracking his back and I cringe at that. I hear Scott's phone vibrate and I look over

"They didn't get out, did they?" Peter asks and Scott shakes his head. I feel myself being pulled out of the basket, very swiftly and easly

"Thanks!" I say and look up at Peter with a smile plastered on my face as we walk out of here. I grab Peter by placing his arms around my shouder as Scott pulls him along. We run out of the hospital and into the back exit where I know Stiles and Cora are sitting in the back of the ambulance. We soon approach the vehicle and bang on the window, letting Stiles know to open up.

"Stiles! Stiles, open the door!" Scott commands and Stiles does what he says

"Help us get him in" I say and pull Peter into the ambulance. Stiles pulls Peter into the ambulance and he sits down. I quickly hop in and take a seat across from the two.

"Where's Derek and Jennifer?" Stiles asks Scott

"I have to go back for them and my mom" Scott says

"Okay, two problems. Kali's got the keys to this thing, and I just saw the twins, like, 30 seconds ago" Stiles says and we hear banging accure

"Stay here" Scott tells us but I protest

"Scott, you can't go alone" I tell him

"No, you stay here" Peter breathes out and I sigh as Scott runs while Stiles closes the doors

"What the hell were you thinking, going out there alone?" Stiles asks me

"Stiles, I couldn't just let them get hurt" I tell him and he shakes his head

"Yeah, but Nicky they heal fast, you don't" He says and I sigh

"You don't understand-"

"No, Nicky dad is missing and he is surely about to be sacrificed, and you almost getting killed. I can't lose my whole family Nick, I refuse" He says and he is on the verge of tears

"You're not going to lose your family, okay. We're going to find dad and we're going to destroy Jennifer" I tell him, holding his hands in mine, almost about to burst into tears.

"You guys have a weird relationship" Peter says and both Stiles and I snap our heads in his direction giving him and death stare. He's being so annoying tonight, like he doesn't even know me.

Minutes later, we see headlights pull up outside of the ambulance and I look out to see Isaac in the front seat of the car, oh thank God. I quickly open the doors, and I run out so Stiles and Peter can wheel Cora out into the car.

"All right, come on, come on, come on!" I hear Isaac shout and I look at him

"I got her!" Peter says and grabs Cora in his arms, placing her in the back of the car which I opened. Isaac runs over to me and embraces me into a hug.

"My hero" I smile up at him as I get into the car

"Stiles, let's go!" Isaac yells but Stiles just runs "Stiles!"

"Isaac, come on!" I say and he gets in the car as I sit in the back with Cora in my lap and with Peter next to me

"Come on, we gotta go. Drive, you idiot" Peter demands

"I can't. Not without Scott" Isaac says

"Come on, you want the Argents dead too? Make a choice!" Peter says as we see the twins in the review camera thing in the car

"Oh, for the love of God! Go, now!" Peter yells and Isaac puts the car into drive

"Alright!" Isaac yells back and I look over at Peter, I grab his hand and I squeeze it looking back at Cora

Yo, I'm so bored with the story like if You guys find this boring please read my other book Heaven Lost An Angel because that one seems to be the favourite when it comes to my books. I'm writing a new book at the moment about Derek Hale and this it's going to be about Allison's twin sister, so she's an Argent.

Thanks for reading

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now