Two: Is Death An Emotion?

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I wake up again and look around, I am tied up to a chair and Scott is to my left. Why am I tied up to a chair? But that is when I see all the cords and I realize that I am about to be electrocuted. I see Kira standing in the arms of Severo and I cringe. I feel Scott's hand grab mine and squeeze it tight, but then lets go when the door opens revealing Lydia. She's okay, but I watch them tie her to a chair as well. What do they want? I'm too weak to blind them, if they didn't hit me over the head with guns I would be fine, but no they have to prove a point.

"Let them go, you've got me just let the others go." Scott negotiates, but no they don't listen.

I watch Severo as he places Kira's hand on a switch "So let me explain what's about to happen" He says "This one- The fox has an immunity to electricity. So she is going to turn the dial on the Alpha" He says and that's when I try to get lose of these cuffs. No one is hurting Scott, but then I hear the sound of a gun being loaded and give up "If she doesn't I turn the dial on the Empathetic and Banshee."

Kira tries to free her hand from Severo's grip but she cant' "No, I'm not doing it." She says, barely.

"Are you sure? One of your friends has the power to heal, the other two? Not so much." Severo says

I literally want to punch someone "You can't make her do that." I say and they all give me dirty looks.

"This is a test, let's see if your Alpha friend can pass, Nicole or should I say boyfriend." Araya says which made things extremely awkward and I remove my hand from Scott's, giving him an uneasy look. Why? Why did she have to say that? I watch Araya turn her body towards Scott and say, "We're going to ask some questions, You answer them, nobody gets hurt. You don't answer, we turn on the dial."

It's silent for about two seconds but then Scott speaks "Just do what they say, okay?" His attention is on Kira and I turn to her "Do whatever they want... I can take it."

I literally stopped listening, my head was in a whole other world... Araya's "world." I'm hearing some things in her head and I don't know what they mean, it's hard and I can practically hear Scott's screams which can't be good. Araya's voice also echoes through my ears and makes me so uneasy because I know she's electrocuting Scott.

Say the name Scott. Say Kate.

Who is Kate? Why is she so important? I'm trying to get more information from Araya's head, but I can't over Scott's screams and that's when I hear the roar of Scott, the almighty alpha roar. It literally makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry internally, because it's so loud. I lose all that I was hearing and thinking, looking over at Scott, his body all sweaty and his alpha eyes glowing bright red. I watch as he breaks free from his chains and I sigh in relief. "Say the name, Scott." Araya says.

"Kate." Scott breaths out and I still want to know who Kate is.


It's like my whole body is dead and the only thing capable of doing anything is moving my head. As soon as the Calaveras set Lydia and I free, I grabbed her hand and ran out of there looking for my brother and his "girlfriend." Maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, we didn't exactly run nor did I grab her, we were basically escorted out. I watch Scott say a few words to Araya, they exchanged looks and she watch Scott walk towards the five of us. "So what now?" Stiles asks and I fold my arms.

Unsure Scott says, "She thinks she knows where we can find Derek."

"Is she going to tell us where?" Malia asks and I raise an eyebrow.

Scott looks over at me and I furrow my brows at him, "Actually she's giving us a guide." He says and a sound of a motorcycle engine rings through my ears and I look to my right, watching someone on a bike making their way towards us. I don't who this is and what they want, but if they try to kill us I'll officially lose my shit. "Scott, who the hell is this?" I ask as I watch this person take off their helmet revealing a girl, maybe in her mid twenties, she's really pretty and she's got some claw marks on the left side of her face which seemed to make scars. Scott looks at her and he is confused, "Braeden."

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now