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I am woken up by the sunlight shining on my face, I turn around and come face to face with Peter, who is still asleep as usual. The things that I love about sleeping next to him is, he never snores, he doesn't shove even though I do, he doesn't really hog the covers, and my favourite thing about him is that he likes to cuddle. Did I mention he likes to sleep shirtless, now that is something I will be looking forward to. That's if I ever spend the night with him again, who am I kidding of course I'm spending the night with him again.

"You know starring is creepy" Peter says making me jump just a little bit

"You scared the crap out of me" I tell him and hit on the shoulder softly but he groan anyway. I turn my head grabbing my phone and checking the time, I see that it 3:30pm, I missed school! Oh, no and Scott has tried calling me 11 time, Stiles has called me 15 times, and Lydia texted me. I guess Stiles realised I didn't come home last night. I also got a text from Danny,

Blacklight party tonight at 8pm @(Derek's address to be inserted here if I knew what it was)

"I'm invited to a party" I tell Peter and he reads my phone

"At Derek's loft, yeah, cause that won't make him pissed" Peter scoffs and I just realised that is Derek's address

"Don't tell him, Danny probably doesn't even know that's Derek's apartment" I say and close my messages, then a a picture of Scott pops up on my phone which means he's calling me. Peter reaches over and he presses the red button which ends the call

"I hate your ringtone" He says and I slap his chest

"Why did you end it?" I ask and sit up

"I just explained it two seconds ago" He says and I groan

"I hate you, I really do hate you" I tell him and he scoffs

"No, you actually don't" He says and I roll my eyes, but my phone starts ringing, again. I get up off the bed before Peter even has a chance to end it. I place the phone up to my ear

"Hey Scott" I say and I place my index finger to my lips telling Peter to be quiet

"Where have you been? Stiles told me you didn't come home last night"

"I spent the night at Allison's" I tell him and I cringe hoping he will believe that

"Okay, well meet us at the police station, at the back though at 7"

"I got it" I tell him

"Oh, tell Peter I said hi" Then he hangs up and I am left speechless

"He knows?" Peter asks

"He knows" I confirm and throw myself on the bed, I turn my head to the side and he smiles at me then leans in, giving me a soft peck on the lips.

"You know, I didn't know you could be this affectionate" I tell him and sit up again, only this time I'm straddling him and I give his neck a quick kiss

"Well, when you have a beautiful face likes yours starring at you, it's hard not to be" He tells me and I blush

"No offence but you smell" I tell him and he sits up

"Then let's go shower" He says and he picks me up carrying me to the shower


My time with Peter was cut short when Scott called a second time, telling me to get my ass down here right now. I mean I don't know why I had to be here? Yeah they're trying to get Kira's phone back because she has some innopropriate pictures on it, but I don't see how this involves me. I get Barrow almost killed Kira but that's not my fault. I hate this and as I sit in Stiles Jeep. Scott and Kira come up to us and I groan because Scott doesn't really have the right to tell me what to do. I get he's an Alpha, but so am I, I just don't have a pack and I'm part of his so maybe he can tell me what to do, just don't tell me what to do when it comes to my love life.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now