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I am not prepared to do this. I don't want to face this Nogitsune and one of the reasons are, I don't have any werewolf powers. What if this thing tries something frisky and I'm not prepared, luckily my dear friend Allison gave me the crossbow even though I'm not supposed to use it, so I left it in the car. I literally almost wept real Jesus tears when I saw it, honestly she is a saviour and I know the Nogitsune is in Stiles' body, but if I have to hurt Stiles' body to save him. I will and I won't even regret it. My father and I wasted no time walking into the loft so we can put a stop to this maddness. We stopped as soon as "Stiles" turned to us and I scrunched up my face.

"Hi Nicole, dad" He says and I cringe as my dad pulls out his handcuffs "You want to handcuff me?" That's when me and my dad descend down the stairs.

"If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others" My dad says and I take in a deep breath.

My dad holds up the handcuffs while Stiles holds up his hands. I feel like this is all a game and I don't trust this Stiles, it just seems to good to be true because we all know that the Nogitsune is inside of him and it's not safe. My dad places the handcuffs onto Stiles' hands and that's when the look of evil brushes across his face, knowing that he is not my brother anymore nor is he my father's son.

"You're not my son" My dad says and that's when I hear the footsteps of Mr Argent, Allison and Derek, coming from behind us. Stiles' face is surprised, I don't think he expected us to have back-up. Derek stands beside me and I look over at Allison, she fires the tazer gun and without a struggle, Stiles catches it, pulling it out of Allison's hands. And that's when Derek growls, making me jealous that I don't have claws and fangs. But Stiles blocks his every move then twisting his arm and shoving him into walls before he lands on the ground, groaning in the pain that I can feel. Within those short seconds, I hear a gun clocking. Actually we all heard the gun because it came from Mr Argent who is pointing it at my brother.

"Argent, listen to me. Don't do this" My father tells him and I turn around to look at Argent as he says "Why not? I've done it before. Werewolves, Berserkers. I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list" But my dad isn't havng this behaviour, pulling out his gun and pointing at Argent. I can tell this is about to get very violent, but I know neither of them will actually pull the trigger.

"You're not going to shoot my son" My dad tells Argent and my eyes are wide as this all goes down "You said it yourself, Sheriff. That's not your son" Argent says "Put it down. Put it down" My dad tells him and he doesn't seem to care "Dad, he's going to shoot me. He's going to kill me, dad"

Stiles says and I don't even know if it's an act, my abilities aren't allowing me to get into his head at the moment. "Don't listen" Argent tells my father

"Put it down. Now! Do it! Put it down!" My dad shouts and I jump a little bit because I did not expect him to use that tone.

"Pull the trigger. Come on" Stiles taunts and I know it's just the Nogitsune speaking

"Listen to me, you put the gun down now!" My dad yells and I shake my head

"Shoot me" Stiles says

"Put it down!" My dad yells

"Dad" Allison calls out and then there's multiple voices, yelling and screaming. It's all just too much, then the sun goes down and all I'm thinking is where is Scott? Because the Oni could be on their way right now

"Stop, stop it! This is what he wants. This is exactly what he wants" Allison tells them and I turn to Stiles, who has a devious look on his face and it's frightening me "Not exactly. I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad you all have your guns out. But you're not here to kill me. You're here to protect me" Stiles says backing away and that's when the Oni come out of the shadows. And remember when I said the crossbow was in the car? Well, luckily it fits in my coat. I quickly pull it out and start shooting at them. Where is Scott?

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now