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I sat in the chair across from Parrish, he is questioning me about what happened. Allison is dead. My best friend is gone, she's not coming back. I couldn't even be bothered listening to the things Parrish had to say, but my dad is sitting next to me and he's arms are wrapped around my shoulders. I watched her die, that sword impaling her stomach. She wasn't in pain, I couldn't even feel her emotions though I knew she was sad. That memory of her dying just keeps playing over and over in her head, I can't take it any longer. It's as if my brain is telling me to just let all I have inside of me free.

It did come to my attention that I am still being questioned and I turn my head back to Parrish who says "Is there anything else you remember, Nicole?" I remember Mr Argent's words. What do you always repeat when you get confused? It just happened so fast. But I can't lie, I won't lie, not anymore.

I just get up and walk away, this is how I know I have snapped because I'm yelling in front of everyone in the police station "I can't do this! Allison is dead! She's not coming back!" I watch my dad come closer to me and try to grab me, but being the stubborn person I am, I don't let him touch me. "No! I can't! Allison just come back! I can't do this! She wasn't supposed to die!"

I'm crouched down on the floor, crying my little heart and soul out. I remember her smile, when we were at the blacklight party dancing together and I stole her drink. I'm never going to get a chance to say goodbye and if it wasn't for me I would not have to say goodbye at all "Nicole, you need to be strong" I hear the sound of my father's voice, I can't see him because my eyes are closed and my face is in the palms of my hands.

"I can't, I can't. She's gone. Allison is gone. Make it stop, it hurts. Please make it stop" I tell him gently looking up and he doesn't say anything. The only thing he does is take me in his arms as I cry loudly, but he slowly starts to calm me down as he rubs his hands over my hair and rocks me back and forth in his arms. I'll never get over this, it's too hard.


Being questioned by the police is something that I truly hated, especially when your father is the Sheriff and you know things and he knows things that he can't tell anybody else. After the four of us were questioned and I cried... a lot, I decided to go to Peter. I know, I know he doesn't want to see me right now, but I have to talk to him and if this is the last time he talks to me then so be it. I just need to know that I said what I'm about to say once I walk through those doors. I knocked on his door three times and just stood there, the door swung open and Peter took one look at me then slammed the door in my face. Well, that made me feel ten times better.

I don't care if he's angry at me, I need to talk to him "Listen, you don't have to say anything. I just need you to listen. I lost a friend, today and I'm never going to get another chance to say godbye. I'm here because I need to tell you something" I say through the closed door "What I did was wrong, I used you, I betrayed you, I didn't think you loved me. It's the only reason I used you because if I knew your intentions were pure and mine were bad, I would not have done what I did and I'm extremely sorry for the pain I caused you, but please don't shut me out. I hate that. Anyway I'll just leave you alone, now" As I'm about to leave the door open and I smile a little to myself, turning back around.

"I'm not going to shut you out" He tells me and I start crying again, he then brings me into a hug and I cry even harder than before. He accepted my apology. I am going to learn from my mistakes, after all someone did die today.

"I'm so sorry" I tell him and he grips me tighter

It makes me smile at the fact I was such a bitch, but he accepts me anyway. I actually feel happier and I don't need to cry.


Scott texted me telling me to come to the clinic because we've got a plan to stop the Nogitsune. I got out of my car, heading straight for the doors of the animal clinic when all of a sudden I hear my name being called "Nicole!" I turn around quickly and I see Kira, struggling to carry Stiles. He's in pain, and he's tired. I run over to the two of them and lace Stiles' arm around my shoulders, holding him up right.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now