Twenty: Well This Isn't Good

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When I opened my eyes I was standing in a hospital room, there were half a dozen doctors in the room and none of them seemed to notice me. I looked at the two people laying in the beds. One of Meredith and other was Peter both of them were out cold, I walked over to Peter's side of room and looked over his body. It was burnt, good lord. No wonder he killed all those people. "No sign of physical trauma, no response to external stimuli. Our feeling is the damage is primarily psychological." I hear one of the doctors say, the same doctor who took care of my my dad, Stiles and I when we were in here. Damn, this man doesn't age. "Here we have a rather extraordinary case" He says and walk towards Peter's bed. "Near fatal burn victim. The interesting part is that typically in a situation like this, the coma is induced medically as the pain is normally too much for the patient to bear. We're not sure how Mr. Hale became comatose, however. His survival is honestly a mystery we're still trying to solve." The doctor says "Moving on" They all walk out the room.

It must've been hard for him, he looks in so much pain and so does Meredith. I would hate to be in this situation. Then all of a sudden, I was laying in on of the hospital bed. I looked to my right and saw Peter laying in the other bed, but Meredith was no where to be found and it had come to realisation that I was put into Meredith's place and I don't like it, I tried to get free and get out of Peter's head.

"I predicted this" I hear his voice say and I try to move myself but nothing, "I told... I told Talia this was going to happen. Something like this was going to happen. I said that they were going to come for us. The Argents. They're gonna come for us. They are gonna burn us to the ground." He says and I'm kind of scared, why am I here? "Burn us to the ground. Did she listen? Of course not. Did anyone listen?" He says and now his face is just above mine, but his body is still laying on the bed. What the hell? "They listen to her. Yes! Say that everything was going to be fine. That we were all perfectly safe. Perfectly safe." He whispers the last part.

"But she made us weak! She made us weak. And what happens to the weakest in the herd? They get picked off by the predators! We used to be the apex predators. Until Talia turned us into sheep. But I'll start over. Like a vengeful God, I will raze this earth to the ground! I will take out all of them! Not just the wolves, but the Wendigos, the Banshees, every shape shifter. I will obliterate the weak and I will the supernatural of Beacon Hills in my image. I won't have to do any of it myself. Because I'll hire people. Assassins. Professional killers. People like the mute. The Chemist. Even... Someone like the Desert Wolf. I will use all the money in the vault. The bearer bonds. I'll use every penny of it if I have to. I'll start with the professionals, and then maybe I'll disseminate the list further. No. No. Not a list. A dead pool. Eventually everybody will want a chance. Anyone can become a killer for the right price because when it comes down to it, everyone can be corrupted by money!" He screams.


I open my eyes and Peter does the same, I remove my lips from his with a gasp and I watch as he rips his claws out of Meredith's neck. I look at my dad and then at Lydia and Parrish. Peter falls to the ground and my dad points his gun in Peter's face, "I saw it, I saw everything. I was actually there. It was your idea and you don't even remember." I say and touch my lips. I can't believe I kissed him, but it wasn't me who wanted to kiss him. It was the stupid force thing, whatever this thing is, is going to get me in trouble.

"Are you kidding me?" Peter asks

I shake my head, "Hands where I can see them" My dad says.

"How the hell was I supposed to remember any of that?" Peter asks as he gets up.

I step forward saying, "She got it from you. You cannot lie like this. Do you really hate us that much?" I ask. "Did you really have feelings for me or was that just a whole bunch of lies, even when I died was that how you were going to start this whole dead pool thing?" I ask him.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now