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Well Peter left me and now I'm all lonely, I mean he was actually the one thing I was looking forward to in my days and now he's gone. I've learnt how to control my shift, Scott's been teaching me, but he's lost some of his control. He's also been acting really bizarre, like, freaking out over shadows and he's always looking in the mirror. No, it's actually Stiles who has been really crazy. Since a week past after we found my father, Stiles has been having some really strange nightmares. He was telling me about them and every night he starts to scream waking both me and our dad up. One of us always has to go in there and calm him down, but he's trying to convince us that he's fine when we all know he's not.

"So, are you okay?" Lydia asked me as I lean against the locker next to hers

"Are you talking to me?" I ask and she looks over at me with her lips pursed and hand on hip

"What's wrong with you? You're acting as if you're dying, so tell me what is wrong?" Lydia asks closing her locker

"I'm not acting as if I'm dying" I tell her and smile

"Nicky, you are my best friend and I love you, but you're not that good of an actor" She tells me and that's when I see Allison burst through the double doors of the school stumbling a little bit. She seems confused and lost, I really hope she's not acting like Scott and Stiles because lately the two of them have been wearing that face and now it seems like she's wearing it as well.

"Allison, are you okay?" Lydia asks her as I furrow my eyebrows at the "lost" girl.


"It's happening to you too? You're seeing things aren't you?" Stiles asks Scott as Lydia, Allison and I make our way towards them

"How'd you know?" Scott asks

"Because it's happening to all three of you" Lydia says and I fold my arms as they nod, we walk into the school and Lydia is just overwellmed with joy.

"Well, well, look who's no longer the crazy one" She says as we walk past the lockers

"We are not crazy" Allison defends and we stop, turning around to look at the three of them

"Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis?" Lydia says "Yeah, you guys are fine"

"We did die and come back to life-"

"As crazy people" I mumble cutting Scott off but they all heard me

"That's gotta have some side effects, right?" Scott asks thought neither of them say anything, the only sound we could hear was the bell ringing

"We keep an eye on each other, okay?" Stiles says and we nod but Lydia and I are smiling

"And, you two, stop enjoying this so much" Stiles tells us walking away

"What?" Me and Lydia ask innocently as we walk off to class


Art class is my favourite subject, considering we do nothing in it but draw. I love to draw, in fact I'm actually very good at it. Right now I have finished drawing my picture, I'm soon going to paint it and it's basically a wolf with blue eyes coming out of a a billion flowers, I know that it's a bit obvious but it was the only thing I could think of at the time, I spent days trying to come up with better things to draw, but they all didn't seem right and it made me want to rip out my own hair. I'm sitting next to Lydia who is on the other side of Allison.

"Okay, wolf girl" Lydia whispers to me and I look over at her as I put the cup of water on the bench which is next to me and sit down "You wanna tell me what's wrong now?"

"Well, I can't really say it now because we're in a room packed with people" I tell her grabbing a paint brush

"You painted the eyes first, why? Normally you start with the background" She tells me and I shrug, but that causes her to gasp "Oh my gosh, you drew him"

"Who?" I ask as I bite my lip hoping to didn't notice my cringe

"Peter" She whispers and I close my eyes, sighing then look at her with a smirk playing on her lips

"FYI, Peter can't turn into a wolf" I tell her

"But, the eyes can't be Derek because you didn't kiss him nor did you sleep with him" She tells me and I clench my jaw

"How long have you known?" I ask her

"Since that day you came over, the night Peter left and you were so happy you could've just melted then and there" She tells me

"Wait, how did you know I slept with him, I mean we didn't have sex but we cuddled" I tell her

"I was just guessing, but now I know you actually did sleep in the same bed with him" She tells me with a smile on her face

"You demon child" I tell her and turn back to my painting

"It's what I'm good-" Lydia does a brief pause and I look over at her, looking at Allison who is shaking

"Not the steadiest hand for a superb marksman" Lydia tells her as I watch her struggle to paint the picture

"It's been happening for the past few weeks. Since that night" She tells Lydia and she throws down the paint brush, making it land in the paint and it splashes all over the canvas. I get up out my chair and walk over to her, removing the canvas and placing a new one in front of her.

"Start over" I tell her and she takes a deep breath, dipping her brush into the paint and starting to paint. Again. I sit back down in my chair and take a deep breath as well.

"Listen, I don't really know anything about you or Peter's relationship, but please be careful" Lydia whispers to me

"He wouldn't dare to harm me, I'm an Alpha" I tell her and flash my eyes, making sure no one is watching me do so.

I'm ready for the rest of this book even though most of the time it's boring but I thankful for all the reads, comments and votes. You guys are awesome.


BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now