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"Nicole, do you have any boy you're looking at?" Lydia asks me being as nosy as she was in the 6th grade

"Well you haven't changed a bit" I tell her and we all laugh

"Come on, tell us" Allison says and I sigh

"I actually have no clue but Isaac seems like a good guy but I don't know, I'm still trying to get over someone" I tell them

"Who?" She asks

"This boy named Brett, he used to go to the private school across from my boarding school, I dated him for awhile well I think we dated but I don't know because we used to do a lot of things couples did, we even used to kiss but we never classified it as dating each other" I tell them and they laugh

"Sweetie, you guys were boyfriend and girlfriend. You don't need to classify that" Lydia tells me and I let out a long breath "So is their anyone else besides Isaac and this Brett guy?"

I deciding wether or not to tell about Peter and how he showed up out of the blue this morning to ask me about his looks, like what freaking dumbass but I'm not going to lie. He is actually really attractive like really attractive, he smoking hot. He could get it, if I was like ten years older that what I am now. "Well- Actually no it doesn't matter" I tell them

"No say it, who is it?" Allison asks

"It's- It's um, P-" But I am cut off by Lydia cell ringing, saved by the bell. She sighs when she reads the name on the cell

"Hey Stiles, Yeah, we're just about to walk into a movie, you know, the popcorn and- Okay" She says then puts the phone on speaker

"Okay, look, Scott's still hurt"

"What do you mean, still? He's not healing?" Allison asks

"No, he's not healing, I think he's actualling getting worse, the blood's turning a black colour"

"What's wrong with him?" Lydia asks

"What's wrong with him? I don't... Do I have a PHD in Lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?"

"We need to get him of the bus" Allisons says

"And take him where, a hospital?" I ask

"If he's dying, yeah" Allison says "Stiles, there's a rest area about a mile up. Tell coach to pull over"

"Yeah I've been trying"

"Well reason with him" I suggest

"Reason? Have you met this guy?"

"Just try something" Allison says resting her chin on the sterring wheel


Minutes later we are at a rest stop helping Scott into the toilet. I honestly hope he's not dying becasue if he is what are we going to do, more importantly how are we explaining this to coach, he'll loose his shit if he finds out one of his best players on the tem are dead because he was slashed by Alpha claws, actually coach wouldn't even belive that to be honest. Allison and Stiles rest Scott down on the floor gently, lifting his shirt up Allison gasps at the black bloods and giant gashes in his side.

"Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell us?" Allison asks

"Sorry" Scott says with a small and weak smile

"Just give us a second, okay?" Allison nods then comes back towards us "This shouldn't be happening, I've seen him heal from worse than this"

"Okay, what do we do then? Do we just call and abulance?" Stiles asks

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now