Five: Boys Are Stupid

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Last night was absolutely ridiculous, I woke up this morning dreading to come to school because I was there last night. Scott still hasn't made an effort to even try and ask about our relationship, it's seriously making me so upset, like, does he not care anymore? Wait, I'm sounding a bit needy and selfish. I mean we should be worrying about the fact Mr Argent's sister came back from the dead and how Peter is missing a hundred and seventeen million dollars worth of bearer bonds, it seems like he's not getting that bike anytime soon.

As soon as I parked my car in the school parking lot, I went straight to my locker from there. I put in my combination 32-10-16, put my bag in there and my jacket but stop when I feel a presence behind. I turn around and see Scott and Stiles, all ready for lacrosse practice. "Hey" I say with smile and turn back around.

"Yo" Stiles says and I roll my eyes at him because I said morning to him like an hour ago

"Hey, I need to ask you something?" Scott tells me and I hope he's not asking me to be his girlfriend because I will cry, even though it's something I really want. I nod my head and he asks "Did I by any chance leave my shoes at your house because Stiles thinks he gave them back to me" Really? Are you kidding me?

"Nicky, please tell him I gave them back because he is losing his mind" My brother says and my jaw drops a little bit, I hate them both. I grab my books and slam my locker door shut, I flick my hair over my shoulder and walk away. I really thought he was going to ask me something personal, but I guess not since Stiles was there. I'm going out of my freaking mind, I hate myself.


I'm sitting down next to Lydia in math and I'm still upset about earlier this morning. I flicking through the pages of my text book roughly and with a lot of aggression. I feel Lydia's eyes on me and I just ignore them, I hear the squeak of her chair as she moves around to face me "What is the matter with you? Why are you destroying your text book? They're not cheap" She says and I groan

"I'm completely done with Scott, he doesn't even make an effort to talk to me about our relationship" I tell her and throw my head on the table.

I feel her hand touch my shoulder as she says "Give him some time, maybe he's still trying to get over you know who" and that's when I know I've messed up, I forgot about Allison and how she was the only girl Scott had on his mind.

I lift my head up and say "You're absolutely right" I place my hair behind my ears and sit up straight "Gosh, why are you always right?" I ask

"I'm Lydia" She says and I purse my lips at her, but she smiles and I shake my head

I look up to see Stiles with his hands on Malia's shoulders, making their way to their seat while he says "It's school, school is important and math is essential" I turn around and watch him take a seat

"To what?" Malia asks with three highlighters in her hand, as well as her math textbook.

Lydia, Stiles and I have been tutoring Malia on every subject that she takes. Lydia gives her notes, Stiles helps her with questions and I make sure her homework is done as well as it having the correct answers, but if the answers are wrong I teach how to correct her errors. "Knowing how much to tip at restaurant " I hear Stiles say and I shake my head at him

Lydia whips herself around and faces the lovely couple saying "And less important things, like, Medicine, Economics, Engineering" She has a point.

Stiles removes his backpack and confirms "Tipping" I roll my eyes and turn back to the front "Yo, Nicky?" I hear Stiles say and I turn around "What happened to you earlier, why'd you storm off?"

I take deep breath and say "Don't worry about it, it's kind of a girl thing" he nods and I smile

"Alright can I have volunteers for the board" Our teacher asks "Lydia, Nicole... Malia" She tells us and I get up along with Lydia

Looking back at Malia she says "I didn't volunteer"

"You did now. To the board" The teacher tells her and I grab a piece of chalk. I look over to Malia walking to the board and I smile but she's not happy.

I'm quickly writing down the answers, but looking at Malia is making me feel bad. She writes down the letter X and then and equals sign, but hesitates when it comes to writing the answer. "Did you go over the notes I gave you?" I hear Lydia ask

Malia shrugs and says "I didn't understand them" I shake my head, but look around to make sure the teacher isn't watching

I look back at Malia and say "X equals twenty-five" I make sure I write down all I need, but Lydia's already done

"And sweetheart, put away the claws" She says and struts back to her seat. I look at Malia's hands and the claws are out.

I put my piece of chalk down and say "We can work on it later" and I see the teacher hasn't looked up yet as she helps Diego. "Go sit down, I got this" I say and grab her piece of chalk while she takes her seat and I finish her equation. I guess we really need to make her study more.


I'm walking to my locker, but instead I end walking over to Scott, Kira and Stiles talking about some thing. But I really have to talk to Scott about us, so I'll wait until they finish talk then I'll make them leave so we can talk "Did you forget that your dad's the sheriff?" Scott asks "They want us to stay out of it"

"Oh is this about the family murdering axe murderer?" I ask and Stiles looks at me so confused

He places his hands on his hips and says "What are you a werewolf now? How did you hear that?" I roll my eyes because my dad called me and told me about it.

"No, dad called me ages ago and told me about. He wants us to stay out of it and focus on school, after all we did go to Mexico" I tell him and push my hair back

Stiles' face cringes up and I giggle "Are you guys kidding me there's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about?" Stiles says but he looks at me "Nicole, you're a Stilinski. Do you really want to go to school when there's and axe murderer on the loose?"

"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it" Kira says and I nod because she's right, this doesn't sound supernatural.

"Stiles, you may be my brother but we are so different" I tell him with a smile "School is essential, okay?" I tell him repeating his advice he gave to Malia and he rolls his eyes

"So the three of you just want stay here, school, go to class. Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life" Stiles says and I shake my head in amusement though

"Stiles I'll see you at tryouts" Scott tells him and I watch him wave his arms around, then the bells goes

"See you guys at tryouts" Kira says and I nod as she walks away from Scott and I

I watch him as he starts shoving books into his bag "Hey, could I talk to you?" I ask him

"Can we talk later after tryouts? You mind waiting? It won't be that long" He says and my face drops as he said that

I sigh then say "I guess so- I mean-" But before I could finish Scott's lips are attached to mine but I soon removed

He quickly says "Great, see you then!" I don't even watch him go away, I literally just stand there so confused as to what just happened. Did Scott just kiss me? Wow.

This was way too boring, but here's chapter five and I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for putting up with this really bizarre updating routine and thanks for reading.


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