Eleven: Brett Is Going To Be Fine

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We watched as Parrish arrested Violet and a whole bunch of other cops and people came in as well. I was standing with my dad as they checked me to see if I have a concussion or anything, but I feel completely fine. There's something happening to me and I can't even explain it to find out, I need to see Deaton or even Peter maybe they know something or someone that can help me because whatever this thing is inside of me is really starting to scare me "Dad, I'm fine. I don't have a concussion and I don't need X-rays for my back, I wouldn't say this if I was in pain" I tell him and he sighs

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks me and I nod as I get off the bench thing, following behind Parrish as he takes Violet out to the front in handcuffs. I see Scott and I run over to him, he takes me in his arms and I close my eyes.

He holds me tight, kissing the side of my head and then asks "So you're okay, there's nothing wrong with you?" I remove myself from him and nod.

I turn my head facing Mr McCall, he is so confused but changes his emotion when he sees my dad and he asks "Sheriff, what is that? Is that the weapon?"

"Yeah. It's a thermo-cut wire" My dad says and I cringe because that evil device almost got me killed. I see Liam and both Scott and I walk over to him as our dads walk away. I look at him and he seems perfectly fine, no one hurt him, he's cool.

I glance behind him and then back to him asking "Where's Kira?"

"She took off" He tells us and I raise an eyebrow "Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the dead pool" He continues

Scott tenses his body then says "Her mom's on it" I gasp because I didn't know that

"Everyone's on it" Liam says, but wait Stiles isn't so lets just calm ourselves down

I watch Scott shake his head "You're not" He says and I nod because it's true how would the people who made the dead pool even know Scott bit him?

Liam is nervous but says "Not yet" shaking his head "There's still another third, right?" He asks

Scott's gaze moves past Liam and he starts looking at my dad, his dad, P-dog and Violet. I think he's listening in on their conversation. But then I feel my phone go off and I take it out my back pocket scanning over the text from Stiles, Get to the animal clinic, now!. I turn back to Scott and say "I've gotta go, Stiles needs me or something" I give Scott a kiss on the cheek and then pat Liam on the shoulder as I leave.


Stiles' message sounded urgent and I wonder why? I mean what can I do, I'm only human... Sort of. Since I'm at the clinic, maybe I could ask Deaton about my new abilities of healing and being able to push people away without touching them or ask him why am I worth thirty million American dollars on the dead pool. I get out my car and I shove my phone into my back pocket. I walk up to the door of the animal clinic, open it and walk right in. The gate is open and I walk right through to the back hearing yelling, groaning, moaning, things being fling around. As I'm fully about to enter I feel someone shove past me and I walk into the operating room, looking at Brett out cold on the floor, Peter standing in front of me with Stiles, Derek and Deaton. "I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself"

I look at Derek who seems thrown off by what just happen as he says "Yeah, maybe more than a little" Ignoring the nephew verse uncle stare down, I look down at Brett.

I race over to him, kneeling down and placing his head on my lap "I don't think he's breathing" I say as I wipe the sweat from his face. Deaton gets down to my level and makes an incision, a puff of yellow smoke erupts from his chest and I hear him breathe slowly "You're going to be alright, Brett" I say to him "He's going to be alright, right?" I ask Deaton

Deaton nods at me and I sigh in relief "I think he'll be fine, but will probably be out for awhile" I nod as Stiles gets down as well.

There's a mumbling sound and I look down at Brett as he says something, I can't hear him properly though but he said something about a sun. "Guys, can you hear that. I think he's saying something" Stiles says and I nod

"The sun... The moon... The truth" I hear him say and he repeats it again. What the hell does that mean?

Deaton moves his head back as he says "Three things that cannot be long hidden. The sun, the moon, the truth" He turns to Derek saying "It's Buddhist"

Derek takes a look at Peter, he glances from me to Derek saying "Satomi" Who is Satomi and why is she so important?


I stayed at the animal clinic all night watching over Brett, he needs to explain why all of a sudden he is a werewolf. I wonder if he was a werewolf the whole time we were a thing, I mean was he born or bitten? I look at his his body as he lays peacefully on the table, but his eyes slowly start to open and he sees me starring at him. "Nicole, what are you doing?" He asks

Smiling at him, I help him sit up. "So, you're a werewolf. How long?" I ask and he sighs

I hand him his shirt and watch him put it on gently as he say "Since birth" Okay, wow. He couldn't tell me this a few years ago or was he embarrassed

"Why didn't you tell me before? Was I not worthy enough to keep your secret?" I ask him as I fold my arms and lean against the table behind me

He shakes his head and I raise an eyebrow "Come on Nicole, You didn't believe in all that and you know it. If I told you what I was I would've lost you for good" He tells me and I purse my lips at him because he's corny as hell "But I lost you anyway" He sighs and I smile a little bit because he does actually care. It's almost been a year since Brett and I went our separate ways, but I do still care for him as a friend. I'm in love with Scott and he has my heart, I would never do what I did to Peter to Scott because for the first time in my life I'm actually in love. Though I'm not going to be the first one to admit it, that's Scott's job.

Maybe now is the perfect time to tell him I'm just like him but without the claws and fangs "Well, you'd be happy to know that you are not the only supernatural creature standing in this room" He is so confused and I laugh "I'm an Empathetic, I can read minds, feel emotions, rob you of sight. It's the best" I say and he laughs I look at Brett, placing my arm on his shoulder saying "You didn't lose me, I had to leave. I didn't have a choice and I have a feeling we will be seeing more of each other"

"I hope so" He says and I smile. I've really missed him.


Most of the chapters I post have already been written which is why they're unedited. Thanks for reading them though.


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