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I don't know what I am feeling anymore, I have no idea if want to be with Isaac or Peter. I know if I'm with Isaac we don't have to hide but if I'm with Peter, I know that there will be constant hiding from everyone. Especially Stiles and my dad because I know Stiles hates Peter with a passion, after what he did to Lydia. But I see right through him and I know somewhere deep down inside of him that there is a human soul, who cares and loves, but he hides it because I know he has trust issues.

"Do you see the twins?" Isaac asks

"No. But I see the Argents" Peter says with his hand still in mine, but then he gives me one last glance and leaves the car

"Not to bring up uncomfortable memories, wasn't the last time you saw them the time you killed Kate and then they burned you alive? Hmm?" Isaac says and I roll my eyes

"Isaac he's gone" I say and he looks out the door, getting out the car and I follow

"Where are the others?" Allison asks

"I don't know" Isaac and I both say

"Scott and Stiles went back for Derek and Jennifer. We had to get Cora out" I tell them both then bright headlights come up behind us. It's Derek. He comes out of his car and goes straight for Cora

"Where are Scott and Stiles?" Allison asks Derek who takes his sweet time to answer

"Stiles is still at the hospital. He's going to hold off the cops for us. We have to go right now" Derek says carrying Cora in his arms

"What about Scott and Melissa?" Mr Argent asks as Derek places Cora in the backseat with Isaac's help

"Jennifer took Melissa" Derek says and I gasp becasue Melissa was like a mother to me after mine died and before I went to boarding school

"What about Scott?" Allison asks him but he doesn't answer "Derek, where's Scott?"

"He went with Deucalion" Derek tells us and I shake my head

"I'm coming with you" I tell him and I walk to his car but Isaac stops me

"I'll meet you there" He says and I nod, getting into the back to make sure Cora stays breathing


At Derek's loft Cora isn't getting any better. She's been coughing and has stains of black blood all over her lips, I watch her as she continues to cough and I can't do anything about it. I mean I haven't known her for long but she is dying and I feel so useless, like, what has she done to deserve this? Nothing and I hate it.

"She's dying, isn't she?" Isaac asks

"I don't know?" Derek says as he leans over his sisters body

"So what are you going to do?" Isaac asks again

"I don't know?"

"You wanna figure something out? Because while Scott and Stiles out there trying to help people from getting killed, you were in here rolling around in the sheets with the actual killer" Isaac states and I sigh

"Isaac, we're going to do something" I tell him

"Do you get how many people she's killed?" Isaac asks "Erica and Boyd are dead, Cora is dying and you are doing nothing! Why'd you do this too us, Derek? Is this all about the power? Were you bored? Were you lonely?"

"Maybe?" Derek says "I told Cora I wouldn't leave. I'll help the others when I figure out how too help her"

"There's no time!" Isaac yells and walks to the door "The full moons coming. The sheriff and Melissa are going to be dead, so I'm going to try and help them. You can sit here and perfect the art of doing nothing"

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now