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It's time too teach Allison a little bit of self control, she's practically falling apart and the only thing Lydia and I could think of to get her back into her nomal self, was if she started shooting her bow and arrown again. It kind of sucks that I don't need a bow and arrow anymore but I've been learning how to extend my claws. It's actually the easiest thing in the world, although most people wouldn't think so. Anyway back to Allison, Lydia has set up a target on a tree which Allison can shoot at. I'm standing behind Allison as I watch all of this go down.

"Do you really think this is going to help?" Allison asks us as Lydia walks back over to us

"I know that if you think it's not going to help, it definitley won't" Lydia says

"So get your head into it, shoot a few and see what happens" I tell her as she postitions her bow and arrow. She lines it up to the target and lets it go, only to have it land on the floor. I hear Lydia sigh and I do the same as Allison picks up another arrow which also landed into the dirt.

"Maybe hold the string a different way" I tell her and Lydia nods in agreement

"Try the Mongolian draw" Lydia tells her and Allison gives her a confused look as to how she would even know that considering she has never fired an arrow "What? I read. Try it"

That didn't even seem to make a difference in the slightest. The arrow still landed in the dirt which made all of us sigh.

"Okay, um..Take a second to close your eyes and imagine the arrow going into the target" Lydia says and I nod

"Did you guys see that?" Allison asks as soon as she opened her eyes

"See what?" I ask back hoping to get an answer but I don't

"Wait here" Allison tells us

"Are you serious?" Lydia and I both ask

"I'll be right back" She tells us

"You did not just say that" Lydia groans out as we watch Allison walk away from us, but she soon turns around pointing the arrow towards Lydia and lets it go, I quickly step in front of Lydia, soon to hear the sound of an arrow stop. I look up and realise Isaac just stopped it

"Oh my god, Nicole, Lydia. I'm so sorry" She tells us and I breathe heavily. She almost took Lydia's head off, luckily I stood in front of her. This is getting worse, them seeing things is getting out of control.


Stiles and I walk into the police station, Stiles holding a boquet of flowers while I trail behind him. Walking towards my dad's office I see deputy Jordan Parrish, I smile to myself as he is sitting in his chair, at his desk. I skip over to him and take a seat in front of him. Every time I come to the station, I always talk to Parrish. He's like the most interesting person to talk to out of everyone at the station. He looks up at me and I smirk at him, doing the eyebrow thing and by that I mean making them bounce up and down.

"What up P-dog" I say and he purses his lip while tilting his head to the side

"I thought you said you were going to come up with a better nickname for me?" He asks and I laugh

"But it's my favourite one" I whine and he shakes his head while continuing to type on the computer "So what are you doing?"

"Research, your dad is making me work a double shift tonight and he won't stop with all these cases" He tells me and I raise an eyebrow

"What cases?" I ask

"Some unsolved cases that have been laying around" He tells me and I shake my head

"That's stupid" I tell him

"Wait you don't know, do you?" Jordan says and I shake my head "You dad is.. Your dad is getting fired, maybe you should talk to him about it"

I could hear Parrish talking but I'm already walking away and into my dad's office. I burst through the door, shutting it behind me and looking him stright in the eye.

"You're getting fired!?" I whisper yell

"Yeah, I guess we kind of need to talk about that" My dad says and I fold my arms


It's lunch and the six of us are sitting outside, at a lunch bench. And by the six of us, I mean our little supernatural clan or clique or maybe even cult if you will. After finding out about Stiles' little freak out in class, we are discussing near-death experiences and what not. I mean it's not like I have anything else better to do.

"Okay, so what happens to a person who has a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?" Scott asks and I push him to move up because him and Stiles are taking up half our side of the bench

"And is unable to tell what's real or not?" Stiles adds

"And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives" Allison adds as well making me sigh, rethinking about what happened in the woods th other day

"They're locked up because they're insane" Isaac says and I kick him under the table, hard

"Ha. Can you at least try to be helpful, please?" Stiles says

"For half my childhood, I was locked in a freezer. Being helpful is kind of a new thing for" Isaac says

"Hey, dude, are we still milking that?" Stiles asks and I cringe

"Yeah, maybe I am still milking that" Isaac responds and I raise an eyebrow at their use of the word "miliking"

"You guys are both being unhelpful, right now" I tell them both

"Hi" A very unfamiliar voice says I look up and see a girl with curly black hair

"Hi, sorry. I couldn't help over hearing what you guys were talking about. And I think I might actually know what you're talking about. There's a Tibetan word for it. It's called "Bardo". It literally means "in-between state." The state between life and death" The perky girl says and I am so confused as to why she would know any of this

"And what do they call you?" Lydia asks and I chuck a piece of my eraser at her, her giving me a glare and I fold my arms

"Kira" Scott says and everyone looks at him and I smirk "She's in our history class"

"So are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?" Lydia asks

"Either, I guess" Kira says and sits down next to Stiles "but all the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in Bardo. There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations. Some you can see, some you just hear. And you can be visited by peaceful and wrathfully deities"

"Wrathful deities? And what are those?" Isaac asks Kira

"Like demons" Kira tells Isaac and I am thrown off by all this information

"Demons. Why not?" Stiles says and I chuckle

"Hold on, if they're different progressive states, then what's the last one?" Allison asks

"Death. You die" Kira says kind of cheerfully and give her a strange look, leaning over the table

Hey guys, short chapter and I don't like it because it was boring. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it though and thanks for reading this book even though season four and five will be better.


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