Twenty Two: I'm Back

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Scott had no choice but to get out Derek's laptop and put the disk in there. We sat on the couch and I watch him as he set it up, I love looking at him. I know that sounds crazy and weird, but the truth is I just can't help it. When we were younger, Scott and I never used to get along. We used to be civil with each other but there was apart of me that wanted to hit him and then we grew older, I started to develop a small crush on him and then my mom died. Every feeling I had inside of me for anyone just disappeared which is why I find it hard sometimes to like someone, like, Isaac. I would confuse myself by saying that I liked it, but I didn't know and Peter. I have no feelings towards him but I care about him and I also hate him at the same time. Even when I met Brett... We never said I love you to each other because in my heart I knew that if I said it, it would be a lie and I would feel guilty. So, when I look at Scott it's different. I actually love him, I know my feelings aren't lies. I love him. That's crazy, who knew. "So, this is the fourth one?" Scott asks and I shrug.

"No, it's the first one. Even though it says fourth" I tell him and this is why I refuse to watch these movies.

Scott's confused and so am I, I am utterly confused "So, what's the first one?"

"The fourth one. You know what?" I say and close the laptop, "Forget the movie. Stiles can kill us later" I say and pull him in, smirking I close my eyes and places my lips to his. I moved my head with his and felt his hands reaching for my thighs, I move myself back and open my eyes. I look down at his shirt and start to unbutton it while his hands traveled up my thighs and he pulls me onto his lap, laying back I watch as he moves his lips to my neck, kissing it so gently and then back to my mouth. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gladly grant him and close my eyes, again. Then something happened, he removes his lips form mine slowly and opens his eyes. "Scott?" I question, then we both hear a big thump and turning I watch as the widows of Derek's loft shatter and in come a transformed Kate and a big ass Berserker.


I watched Scott get thrown and punched while I stood back to scared to do anything, I tried to move but I was scared that Kate was going to injure me. I know I said I couldn't wait to kick someone's ass with my human self, but let's be honest... I can't do shit. I saw Scott get thrown into the loft door and when I tried to go help him, Kate caught me and as she started to get into a position to kick me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, but I was waiting for at least fifteen seconds and I didn't feel a thing. I opened my eyes and saw Kate on the other side of the room looking speechless, yeah that's right I'm a Phantom. What you going to do about it? I watch as the Berserker spots me and I cringe, I grab a loose chain from the fence this and wrap it around my hand. I swing it towards the Berserker and watch as it starts backing away, but I stopped paying a attention for a second and it grab on to the chain, pulling me towards itself and punched me in the face. "Scott!" I shouted and turned around, he gave me a saddened look then Kate punched him back.

The Berserker pulled me up by my hair and I could feel the blood, dripping down my forehead and mouth. Now would be a really good time for the healing force to come in hand, but I don't know how to use it yet. "What do you want from us?" I hear Scott ask.

"I want a little bit of insight, Scott" I hear Kate say.

"To what" He asks her.

"My family" Kate says, "The Argent family has been around for over 400 years. A powerful, wealthy, aristocratic family of Werewolf hunters. But yet somehow, in less than a year, this great family is decimated by a teenage boy" She tells him. It's seems like Kate could use a little bit of therapy, "So, my question is simple. What the hell is so special about Scott McCall?" She asks.

Scott is just laying there and I am just sitting here, I need to do something. "You want me? Take me. Just me" He says and I go wide eyed.

"No, we're all going. We're all going to church!" She exclaims and I close my eyes, praying for someone to come in and save us but instead, I black out.

BAD INTENTIONS | SCOTT MCALL [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now