"..it's complicated"

674 26 18

(Play song on repeat or when told)

Christmas Day 8:00am:

I got up early to get ready for the day...it was Christmas after all

Hermione stayed with Ron last night so I was in my room alone...Draco gave me space after we talked yesterday.

I got up ready to head downstairs for breakfast I just had on my Christmas pjs and my hair was in a messy bun.

I heard a knock at my door

I opened to see who it was

"Merry Christmas liv" Draco smiled

"Merry Christmas draco" I smiled back

"You look...you look....wow" he muttered

He looked me up and down before bursting through the door and shutting it behind him

wrapping his arms around my waist kissing up and down my neck

"Draco...stop! Someone's gonna come in!" I laughed

"And?" He chuckled then continued

I pushed him away

"Not.." I inched back towards him


"Now..." I was dangerously close to him now

I smirked then walked away

"You're gonna be the death of me Olivia Jade..." he tossed him self on my bed

"So I've heard" I laughed walking back into the bathroom To touch up my hair before breakfast

He walked in and just stood behind me....watching

"What?" I chuckled

"Nothing" he shook his head smiling

He wrapped his arms around me as I continued to fix my hair

"What do you want?" I laughed

"Nothing...why do you keep asking me?" He asked

"You are never this nice draco....like it's rare...there's got to be something you want" I turned around towards him

"Well there is one thing..." he looked at me and smirked

"...But that can wait" he winked

"Oh Shut up" I rolled my eyes shoving him away

We headed down stairs

We made it in the dining room where everyone sat talking and laughing

"Merry Christmas everyone!" I said walking in

"Merry Christmas" they all shouted back

Christmas just made everyone and everything so much brighter

We sat down

I looked around the table to make sure everyone was there...someone was missing


His siblings were here talking with everyone and laughing but he was gone.

"Kade" I whispered across the table

She looked over smiling

"Where's finn?" I asked her

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