"So forever?"

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Draco's pov:

After we ate, we gathered in the living room and talked

"Tell him" Finn smirked

"Tell me what?" I chuckled

Henry rolled his eyes and laughed

"We get to leave sooner than we thought, we're leaving tomorrow morning...hermione's parents are all set up for our stay" he informed me

I felt a huge relief flood my body, I'd get to see Olivia and mum sooner than expected, the nerves that built up in my stomach made me want to vomit right there. What if they hate me so much once I return, it won't be the same.

"Well...aren't you excited?" Blaise chuckled

"Yes! I'm thrilled, I'm just worried." I smiled

"About what?" Henry asked

"What if once I return home, everything is different...what if my mum and Olivia never forgive me for this"

"Of course they'll be upset at first, but if I know them...they'll be ecstatic! Don't be too hard on yourself mate" Finn assured me

I nodded. I know they be happy once they realize I'm okay, I just don't want to lose them...I guess I feared everything would change.
Olivia's pov:

"It can just be a mix up, hogwarts sends letters to friends and families all the time" Kade muttered

"But why Finn? Out of everyone? He quit attending hogwarts after second year?" I folded my arms in disbelief

They looked at each other, they knew I wouldn't believe them no matter what, they just had to be honest.

"Listen, Finn, Blaise, and Henry are completing a task. It can be very dangerous...so only a few of us know. We can't tell you right now, if the dark lord returns and scans your memories...we could all die" hermione sighed

What kind of task? What would be so important, I couldn't know about it?

"Who knows about this 'task'?"

"Just myself and hermione" Kade mentioned

"Also Blaise, Finn, and Henry of course" hermione added

"When will I be able to know? Are they safe? Are we safe?" Questions filled my mind and spilled from my mouth

"Soon. You will know and find out everything soon...we promise" Kade looked to hermione

Hermione nodded

"This is confidential Olivia...no one can even know the boys are else where besides hogwarts"

"I won't tell anyone" I nodded

We left the room and headed down the hall

"Where have you girls been?" Narcissa came from the kitchen

"Just helping me unload some more boxes, finally" I chuckled

"It's about time, now it'll feel more like home" cissy laughed

Draco's POV:

The next day we all grabbed our things and apparated on the porch of hermione's parents home.

We had invisibility spells that coated us just in case a muggle were to see

"It's good to see you boys made it" Mrs granger opened the door greeting us, expecting our arrival made some noise

"Hello Mrs. Granger, thank you for letting us stay for a few days" I smiled

"Please Call me Monica" she held her hand out to shake

"You boys come on in, make yourselves at home" Wendell walked into view

We all stepped into the house, it was homy...if I pictured a house for my future family It'd look about like this. Small and simple, perfect size for a little family. I can just see it now.

"Your house is lovely Mrs. Grang- Monica" Finn complimented

"Thank you again, we appreciate you letting us stay" Henry smiled

"Ahh that reminds me! Hers a letter that just arrived from you sister, Henry" Monica handed Henry the letter

"Let's get you boys settled in shall we?" Wendell grabbed our bags and led us up stairs

later that night we all laid down to get some rest for the night

"Here Draco, I'm sure it's better for you to read it" Henry handed the letter from earlier to me

I broke the seal and slipped out the letter


It's been a few weeks since you last received a letter from hermione and I, we didn't want to raise any suspicions on your whereabouts.

Yesterday morning a letter came from hogwarts wishing their condolences for Finn's "death", Olivia found it...and read it. She was a bit skeptical at first but we assure her everything was fine and she will find out soon enough why we had lied about you all working at hogwarts. We will keep in contact and inform you all when it's safe to move. Please be safe, we are thinking of you boys everyday. Until we meet again.


"They told everyone I died" Finn groaned

We all laughed

"Yeah well at least you didn't actually have to die" I scoffed

"You got me there" Finn scoffed

"How long do you guess we'll be here?" I asked Henry

"I'm not sure...could be days, weeks, hopefully not months" Henry replied

"I wouldn't mind, Monica is a very sweet lady indeed" Blaise winked

"Oh that's just disgusting" Finn laughed throwing a pillow at him

"Looks a bit like her daughter if you know what I mean" Blaise raised his eyebrows

"Okay I think I'm gonna be sick" I joked

We all laughed. It felt good to laugh again, it seemed we had been so serious this past year...I forgot what it felt like to be happy.

"Well we best get some sleep, goodnight mates" Henry yawned

"Goodnight" we responded

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, when they all fell asleep I went to the window and sat down admiring the sky
Olivia's POV:

I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling.

I couldn't sleep so I got up and went to the balcony and sat on the ledge

It'd been so long since I looked at the night sky, it just reminded me of Draco.

it sounds weird but I swear I can feel like he's still here, not in a spiritual way. Like he's just went away for a little bit and will come back to me

It feels like if I talked to the sky right now...he'd answer.
Draco's POV:

"So forever?" I whispered to the sky, I guess to give myself comfort...maybe if I listened closely, I could hear her voice.

How I long to hold her, just once more.
Olivia's POV:

"...or longer" I whispered gripping my necklace in my hand.

A small breeze rustled through the trees that sent chills down my skin, Just like he once did.

How my heart longs to be in his arms, just once more.
Authors note:

Surprise!! Two updates in one day:)

Sorry this is kinda sad/cheesy:( I think it makes it sweet though...it's been so serious lol

It'll get happy again! There will definitely be ups and downs though 🖤

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