"We found her..."

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Draco's POV:

I arrive at the Riddle manor

It wasn't as dark and scary as you'd expect it to be

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It wasn't as dark and scary as you'd expect it to be.

I met my father there.

"Son" my father greeted me

I just nodded

We walked through the door

"This way" Peter Pettigrew said leading us down a dark hallway

We stopped at one of the many rooms and opened the door

A long table was stretched down the middle of the room

The table was filled with about 25 death eaters

"Ah Lucius and Draco" Voldemort said slowly

"I thought you both got lost" he chuckled

"My lord" my father bowed

I stood there

Flash backs of Olivia and picturing them killing her...made me freeze up completely

My father nudged me

I came back from my thoughts to see the death eaters and Voldemort looking at me

I nodded and went to sit down.

I sat in silence with my head down for a little bit while everyone talked around me, this wasn't out of character for me...I always stay quiet during these...I'm one of the youngest members well besides...

"Jaxon! My dear boy" Voldemort exclaimed

Jaxon Riddle.

We use to be friends...sorta

Jaxons backstory:

I met him our first year on the Hogwarts express

He was very quiet

But you could tell he had a lot to say

We both were sorted into Slytherin

We talked a few times but not much

He wasn't a mean person...coming from who his father was

No one really knew who he was at first

Which is why he disappeared before 5th year

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