"I'm in trouble now"

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Draco's pov

It was morning...I was curled up in the cold depths of my dorm, the sun barely shining through the windows...just like every morning

what's this?

A golden hue shining on my skin...a subtle warmth on my chest, coming in rhythms....an Inhale and Exhale.

I had forgotten she stayed last night, she was still asleep.

Memorizing to say the least.

Her facial structures were so defined... almost as if Henry Moore sculpted it himself.

I had hurt so many before her...but the thought of hurting her in anyway, made me sick.

I couldn't help myself, I pulled her closer to me enjoying these moments as if they were the last...they probably were.

"Can't get enough of me?" She yawned

"You wish" I scoffed

I hated to admit She had me wrapped around her finger.

I had never felt like I had anyone.. I feel like she had me in the palm of her hand. I never told anyone about my father....I trusted her. More than Blaise, Pansy, Crabe, Goyle...more than merlin, himself..

I'm in trouble now.

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