"Polyjuice potion"

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Olivias POV:

My eyes flutter open

It was dark and cold

I heard foot steps coming closer and closer

I couldn't see anything

"Where am I?" I tried to cry out

Nothing but a raspy whisper was released

"Where do you think dear?"

A dark shadow appeared chuckling

He flipped on a light

My eyes were trying to adjust so I lifted my hand to block and minimize the light

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My eyes were trying to adjust so I lifted my hand to block and minimize the light

A blurry vision of a tall muscular teenage boy stood in front of me

He knelt down beside me

"I'm Jaxon" he winked cupping my face

"Do I care?" I scoffed

He stood back up and chuckled rolling his tongue on the inside of his cheek

He stormed back to me pulling me up aggressively and shoving me into the wall

"Riddle, love... Jaxon riddle" he smirked

"Does that ring a bell?" He scoffed throwing me back on the ground

My heart immediately dropped

"Riddle? As in-" I stuttered

"The dark lords son" he smirked

I kept quite for a little bit...trying to gather my thoughts

My heart was beating faster by the minute

"What happened?" I asked

"Oh...you don't remember dear?" He turned back towards me

I shook my head

"Oh well maybe this will help" he grabbed my wrist and everything turned dark


"Finn?" Olivia walked into the room

"Oh...uh..hi I was just dropping a gift off to you" Finn handed her a box

"Perfume?" Olivia chuckled

"Thank you Finn, that's so kind" she smiled and hugged him

"Try it on..." Finn smirked

Olivia opened the top and sprayed it

Her smiled soon turned cold as she fell to the ground

Tears filled my eyes...how could this happen

"Wait...what happened To Finn?" I asked

"Oh...he's long gone dear..." he fiddled with his rings laughing

"How did...how did you-"

"Polyjuice potion" he scoffed

So I guess I dreamed about opening presents....and the proposal

"How long have I been here?" I asked

He smacked me

"Do you ever shut up?" He shouted

The taste of metal coated my mouth

"My father wanted you...why?... you've probably asked yourself this a lot....Well it was For me Olivia..." he walked closer to me

He cupped my face and wiped the blood off my mouth with his thumb

He inched dangerously close

"I wanted you Olivia...and I wouldn't stop until I had you...and now you're mine" he smirked tipping the end of his wand under my chin

"Don't touch me" I pushed him once more

He grabbed my throat and I felt my body grow weak immediately from the pressure

"You will not speak to me that way! I control you! Not the other way around, dear" He spat

He slung me back on the floor

And then He walked away

This can't be real...please don't let this be real

I closed my eyes and my mind ran to Draco and my friends

I know they've got to be terrified...
Authors note:


Happy New Years my loves!!❤️❤️❤️

Hoping this year brings you loads of joy to you and your families!

Add the snap for updates!!


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