"...Slytherin scum"

955 37 7

It'd been about two months since everything blew up with Malfoy.

It seems like it was just a dream...nothing more.

No one had mentioned it since that night I seen him and pansy in the library. I think it was for the best

Our seats were moved in potions so now I set with Cedric and Malfoy sets with Pansy

As long as I wasn't still stuck next to him I was fine

I've gotten pretty close to Cedric over the last month or so.

We hang out all the time...we even kissed once.

...or three times

But it's different...our relationship hasn't went further than a kiss

I think we both know it's better to stay friends...for now
Potions class:

Something had been off today...

"Good morning" I yawned taking my seat next to him

"Well good morning, sunshine" he smiled

"How did the quidditch match go last night?" I asked

"Ahh it wasn't too bad...I think I would've done better if a certain someone was there" he teased

"Sorry I had so much homework built up...but I'm sure you did just fine without me" I gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek.

"Care to use the PDA anywhere...but here" someone scoffed behind us

"Shut up malfoy" I rolled my eyes

I hadn't given him the time of day for awhile now.

"Mrs. Jade, can I talk to you for a second?" Snape waved for me to come outside

I got up and went with him

"Mrs. Jade you have been struggling in my class for a few weeks now..." he said

"I know professor...I don't know why...this has always been my favorite class..I'm not sure what's going on"

"Well might I recommend a tutor? I have a few in mind...but only if that's okay with you"

"Um...yeah sure..I wouldn't mind"

"Okay I'll ask around and see who I can get" he gave me a subtle smile while walking back into the class room

Snape has always been one of my favorite professors...he was also good friends with my dad should I mention...so he's been like an uncle to me.
After class was dismissed I wanted to go straight to my dorm and sleep...I was exhausted

"Olivia!" I heard footsteps drawing closer

I turned to see who it was

"hey ced" I smiled

"Um...hey" he seemed nervous

"So the ball is coming up and....I....wanted to know if you'd want to go?...With me?" He asked

"Awh of course ced! That'll be fun" I smiled

"Awesome! It's gonna be worth it to die...now that I get to take you" he chuckled

"Wait...whats that suppose to mean?" I laughed

"Well rumor has it....malfoy threatened to kill anyone who asked you to the ball..I thought maybe you two had something going on" he stuck his hands in his pocket.

"What?" I spat

"You didn't know?"

Speak of the devil...I look behind Cedric and see him watching us

"excuse me a second Cedric"

I marched straight over to him.

"What is wrong with you?" I sneered Just inches away from his face

A smirk plastered on his face

"Do I know you?" He scoffed

He was around his friends...so that was expected

I grab him by his robe and dragged him to a near by abandon classroom.

"What's the problem?" He leaned up against one of the desks

"Oh I don't know...maybe that you told everyone to not ask me to the ball or you'd kill them"I shouted

"I don't know what you're talking about?" He crossed his arms, leaning against the desk

"You're pathetic" I rolled my eyes

"Don't forget what you did Jade" he shoved himself from the desk

"It was a stupid bet...I didn't actually go through with it" I defended myself

"Yeah..okay" he scoffed

"Not that you cared...you were snogging on Pansy the next day" I turned the door knob to walk out

I felt him grab my arm and jerk me back

"You've got to be kidding me" he seethed through his teeth, his jaw was clenched and his nostrils were flared

He looked down at my mouth, If he moved even a bit...our lips would touch

"Get out of my face...you're not worth it and you never will be...Slytherin scum" he slung my arm
Authors note

Okay so I have to make these small ones first so it can build up....this should be the last small one I swear!!!

I am currently writing the long chapters right now!! So these small ones have to lead up to it 

Put y'all's seatbelts on

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