"It's begun"

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A few hours later jaxon returned.

"Okay I checked everywhere...we're good to search"

We all got up and walked into the hall, it was dark and very quiet. There were only a few bulbs that lined the halls, making it impossible to see anything but a few steps ahead of you.

"Lumos" Draco whispered

The end of his wand lit up at his command

"Everyone use your wands as a light and we'll split up"

We all nodded and whispered for our wands to light our paths.

"There are 10 levels, well each take a level and make our way from there...everyone is to meet up on the sixth level"

We all split up amongst the five floors:

-Minister for magic and support staff offices (Jaxon)
-Department of magical law enforcement (Mia)
-Department of magical accidents or catastrophes (me)
-Department for the control of magical creatures (draco)
-Department of International Magical Cooperation (Finn)

Once I stepped off the elevator, my stomach was churning. Someone could be easily working overtime and catch me. I had to be silent.

I knew this floor would show me some major catastrophic damage in the wizarding world...maybe if I looked into the last war, I could find some hints of where the last horocrux would be.

I walked down the dark hall until I shined my light over a large wooden door labeled

"Accidental Magic Reversal Department"

I pulled on the handle...locked

"Alohomora" i whispered faintly

The door clicked, I twisted the handle and the door squeaked open. Inside looked like a normal office. In the corner I noticed large filing cabinets with dates on the front.

"What year was the last war?" I said to myself

I thought forever, all those years of class you'd think I'd be able to remember.

"Started in 1970 and ended in 1981" I heard someone scoff

I whipped around almost immediately

"Merlin Jaxon, you scared me" I chuckled

"Sorry" he walked inside the room looking  around

"What are you looking for?" He asked

"I'm hoping to read through some these files and maybe find or find hints of the last horcrux"

"Smart girl" he laughed

He opened the file that was labeled "1970-1975"

We both started skimming over the files one by one

"You finished early?" I broke the awkward silence

"Out of all the the floors, I suspect this one to be more interesting than all...probably find it here more than you would anywhere"

"We should've had everyone come here probably" I added

It was hard to not be intimidated around Jaxon, I mean he kidnapped me and stole my memories...who wouldn't?

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