"Let's see what you know"

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Olivia's POV:

"How'd you get in here?" Draco fumed

"I apparated, duh" she rolled her eyes

"Why are you here?" I hissed

"Why do you think? I'm helping you guys find the last horcrux" she winked

"No...you're leaving" Draco stormed towards her, grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the room

"Let me go!"


"I promise I'm here to help...look for yourself if you don't believe me" she shouted

Draco stopped dragging her and looked back at me

"Say the word and I'll continue" he waited for approval

Should we believe her? She completely disappeared after awhile and no one heard from her...

Could she be lying? Absolutely...she got with Jaxon right after Draco disappeared.

However she could give us some leads to where the dark lord is and where the last horcrux is

"Let her go...we'll dig through her memories" I crossed my arms

Draco nodded and dragged her back to me, dropping her at my feet

"Let's see what you know" I smirked lifting her face up with my hand

"Draco...go ahead"

Draco began searching through her memories
Draco's pov:

I broke through her thoughts and memories searching for what we could use

"Draco is dead" the dark lord scoffed

I started to dig further

"Our newest follower...Mrs. Mia" bellatrix cheered


"We will attack hogwarts" the dark lord announced

"When?" Jaxon asked

"When I decided we're ready" he replied


"You think we should tell them?" Mia asked

"Yes...I tried to protect Olivia, that turned out...awfully" Jaxon shook his head

Protect Olivia?

"Draco's still alive mia" Jaxon sat back in a large chair

"What? How?"

"They used the spell I used for Olivia...I could tell when I scanned Draco's 'dead body'...he made it out"

I dug Further

I seen Mia and Jaxon...they were running through the woods laughing.

They stopped and kissed passionately

"You have to go, warn them" Jaxon pulled away cupping her face

"I can't leave you here..." a tear fell down mia's face

"I'll be fine, I've lived with the man my whole life...I can handle a few months" he laughed

Their foreheads pressed together as they departed

I pulled out of her mind

"Well?" Olivia stood annoyed

"Why is Jaxon trying to protect us?" I asked

"Wait what?" Olivia scoffed

"Just give me some time to explain...please"

"Draco what'd you see?" Olivia asked
Olivia's POV:

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