"You don't know how it felt"

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Draco's POV:

After many hours of interrogation from my mother, she finally understood why we needed to protect them from knowing I was still alive. We brought Blaise and Henry back along with us, they were furious when they found out I had been coming back to the manor at night.

"Why did you have to wait so long?" She asked

"Well, we need to wait until the dark lord was away...and stayed away" I answered

"Yes...And for the golden trio to find what are called 'horcruxes'...we didn't tell Draco because we knew he'd try to look for them as well" Henry admitted

"Wait what?" I spat

"We couldn't risk you getting caught to find them"

"What's a horcrux?" I asked

"It's basically an object the dark lord used to burying piece of his soul into...that way if he died...he wouldn't truly die, if that makes since" Kade  interrupted

"How many is there left?" Mum added

"There's one more left, we're just not sure what it is...yet" she continued

"I feel like I'm going crazy" Mum scoffed

"Join the club" I chuckled

"How do we find it?" I mentioned

"There's no 'we', the golden trio asked us to leave it to them and keep everyone else safe...and that's what we intend to do" Henry answered

"We can't just sit around and wait" I retorted

"You have a new problem, son" mum cocked her eyebrow

"And what's that?" I laughed

"Well, it's currently 9:30....a certain someone should bust through those doors any minute now, what are you going to tell her when she sees her 'deceased' boyfriend standing and talking to her friends?" Mum chuckled

"Yeah mate we need to leave now!" Finn got up from his seat

Everyone started to rush around to make sure we left without a trace

"Wait!" I shouted

Everyone stopped and looked at me

"Why don't we just...tell her?" I sighed

"I mean there no use and hiding it anymore, mum knows...and instead of wasting time, we could help the golden trio look for the last horcrux" I added

"That's true, it's just....risky" Kade addressed

"Draco has a point though...if we're all looking, it'll be easier to find" Blaise noted

We all stopped and thought a second

"I guess it could work" Henry spoke up and looked to Kade

She shook her head and smirked

"Okay, have it your way...you've always been so stubborn" she rolled her eyes and laughed

I laughed as well

"Well....now we wait" Henry sat down at the table

We all sat and joined him, nervously looking to the clock and tapping our feet waiting on Olivia to come through the doors. You could feel the tension through the entire room.

"Cissy? Are you cooking without me?" We heard the door squeak

"Here we go" Finn whispered

My hands clenched and I felt my heart leaping out of my chest.

How will she react? Will she even care that all of this was for her? What if thing aren't the same anymore?

The door opened and there she stood

Her eyes scanned the room in surprise.

"What are you all doing here-"

Her mouth dropped open and her eyes welp up. She started to shake her head, her hands reached up to cover her mouth...they were shaking as well.

"Liv." I stood up from the table

"We're gonna let you two talk" mum said before making everyone go outside

I started to walk towards her, she looked so scared. She backed up until she hit the wall  and she gripped the door knob

"Liv...it's me, please...let's just talk"

She shook her head

"Don't you dare come any closer!" She spat

Tears falling down and her face looked froze in fear and confusion. I walked a few steps closer and put my hand on her face, her eyes closed softly. Our foreheads pressed against each other.

"How? this can't be possible, I-I-I seen your body...I seen you die" she gasped trying to catch her breath

"Olivia you need to sit down...you're going to faint, please" I grabbed a chair and sat her down in it

I got on my knees in front of her.

"You need to leave" she wept

She was angry...I didn't blame her, she was just so overwhelmed right now.

"Please let me explain" I grabbed her hand

She pulled away immediately

"I don't want you here! You need to leave now!" She stood from the chair losing her balance
Olivia's POV:

I finally calmed down a bit and He explained everything...I wasn't sure how to feel

How could I forgive him?

"You don't get to just show up now...after a year of pain...I watched you take your final breath. My world had ended the same day yours did. I remember the day I couldn't remember the sound of your voice anymore...I screamed in my room for days begging you to come back to me...you don't understand how that felt!" I shouted

My voice was cracking and barley audible. I wasn't sure what was worse, his death or seeing him right now.

"I had to live without you too Olivia! It's not fair, trust me..it was far worse knowing someone is dead then spending your nights knowing they are alive and you can't touch them or talk to them...you just lay awake worried they'll eventually forget you and move on, while you remembered everything about them...clinging to the hope you'd be able to forget...eventually" he yelled

I never thought of it from his point of view....we both had been torn apart

We sat in silence thinking about what the other person had gone through...why were we being so selfish? We both had been pulled through this.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I did this to you...to us" he grabbed my hand

I cupped his face gently...our faces were both red and puffy from crying and yelling.

Our lips met, gently as if we were both scared of what would happen when they met once more.

"I can't believe you're finally mine again"  he chuckled

We pulled away and our forehead pressed together

I thought it'd be so different between us...but the second his skin brushed mine...I was home.

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