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A week later:

I'm glad everything was back to normal

I told Draco I'd like to take some time and spend with my friends before they all leave for Christmas break. I was staying at Hogwarts for Christmas...my parents are off on business so I figured I'd stay here...that way I'm not completely alone. We still have the ball to prepare for as well

Hermione, me, and Ginny are about to meet up with Ron and Harry to go to breakfast.

Ginny has been staying in the dorm with Hermione and I since my accident.
"Good morning women" Ron said and we met them downstairs

Harry just laughed

And we made our way to the great hall

We all walked in and sat down

Cedric walked in we shared a smile...we've only talked a few times since the kiss.

"So Ginny.." Harry grabbed her hand

"Yes?" She knew what he was going to ask she had just been waiting forever

"Will you go with me...to the ball?" He tensed up

"Yes!! It's about bloody time you asked" she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek

Ron asked Hermione a few weeks ago...it was cute.

Fred and George set up fireworks and things...she was so happy

I wanted to go with Draco...but we both agreed that I still went with Cedric just until we decided to come out as a "couple"...well he was mad at first but once I had to go through his check list of "do's and don't's when going to the ball with diggory" he was okay with it.

Tomorrow was the ball....I was pretty nervous...not gonna lie

Draco is taking Pansy...which I'm pretty chill about now.

We walked into potions class to take our seats...this was my first day back since everything

"Good morning sunshine" Cedric said

He came and sat in his seat next to me

I could feel Draco staring us down from behind me

"Good morning!" I smiled

"I might have to help you catch up Jade...you've missed quiet a few things" he chuckled

He stretched him arms over me leaning down to help him with the assignment

I heard Draco take a deep breath from behind us

Oh great...this kid has a death wish 100%

A few minutes passed by and Cedric went to take his seat

He slid his hand down my back until it stopped at my lower back.

He leaned over and whispered in my ear "I can't wait to take you to the ball tomorrow" he smiled and finally sat down

"Yeah it's gonna be really fun!" I smiled back

I was excited for the ball...but something told me Cedric had other things in mind...

As class was dismissed I seen people whispering as they walked out...they were looking at me.

That's weird

I walked out and I felt someone grab my wrist.

It was Draco

He pulled me into the supply closet

"What are you trying to get at?" He was gripping my wrist still

"What are you talking about?" I could probably guess what he was talking about

"Everyone in class knows by that little stunt you pulled...you both whispering and him touching on you...they think you've been sneaking around with diggory" he sneered

"You know that's not true draco..." I brought my other hand to cup his face

He grabbed my other wrist and his grip was strong and firm

"Do I?" He cocked his eyebrow

"You've been wanting to 'spend time with your friends' you've really just been sneaking around with diggory haven't you?" He pushed me up against the wall pinning my wrists above my head

"No ...no...you know that's not true.." I was defending myself

"Yeah? How do I know?" He said angrily

I didn't know what to say...he caught me off guard

Especially in this position he's got me in

I heard him laugh...not like something was funny...he was mad

"That's what I thought...I should've known.. pathetic" he let go of me and stormed out.

What just happened?

Are you kidding me?

What's his deal?

If he's gosh to be angry for no reason

Well I guess tomorrow I'll give him one.

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