"Oh please..."

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Draco POV:

"And. what. about. it."

I couldn't get those words out of my head. I couldn't even sleep, with those words replaying in my head.

How she looked.... How her cheeks grew red when I was inches from her lips. But yet that didn't stop her from firing back at me.

What was her problem? What makes her think she could say something to me. No one has ever talked to me like that. Especially not some girl who traded Slytherin royalty for Gryffindor rags like it was nothing.

I'm not sure if I'm annoyed or somewhat Intrigued.

I did know one thing...I'd just have to put her in her place before she got any ideas.

7:30 am

Olivia POV:

*knock* knock *

"Hermione get the door" I mumbled with my head face down in my pillow

No answer.

I look over to see Hermione curled up with her earphones in.


I rolled out of bed and opened the door

"what the world do you want so early in the morning?" I said stiffly while rubbing my tired eyes

"Well good morning to you too sunshine" Ron scoffed

"Are you guys coming to breakfast?" Harry laughed

"Uh sure let me just wake up sleeping beauty"
We threw on our robes and met up with the boys downstairs.

"Good morning Hermione" Ron's cheeks turned to a soft shade of rose making his freckles stand out more than usual.

Harry smirked at me. This was a constant thing between Ron and hermione, it was exhausting to see them consistently flirt without any strings attached.

We knew they were in love with each other. Hopefully by the Yule ball we can make some progress.

When we walked into the great hall just in time for breakfast.

"Olivia!" I scanned the room to see where I was hearing my name

"Olivia!" A slender, bright eyed, brunette boy stood waving from the other end of the hall

Cedric Diggory. Now I never went into detail about what happened with Cedric. Long story short, we were best friends my first year however when I left, we never had anymore contact.

And boy did he look different.

"Cedric?" We met in the middle of the room

He wrapped his arms around me. He grew up a lot, My guess would be 6'0 at the least.

"How are you Jade?"

"Pretty good, it feels good to be back, I missed it so much."

"well it's good to have you back, we missed you."

"You look so grown up...just as stunning as I remember" he adjusted his hands in his pockets

"Why thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I teased

"How long has it been?"

"Around five years, I think"

"That's crazy, it seems like just yesterday that annoying little girl followed me around the halls"

"Oh please, you were the one who did the following" I laughed

"That's true" he admitted

"Well I better go eat, I'd love to maybe catch up sometime"

"Of course, that sounds fun"

I turned to join my friends at the table, running right into someone.

"Oh merlin...I'm sorry I wasn't even pay-" I stop right in my tracks.

"What's wrong Jade? Needed a break to catch your breath?"

Of course.

"I've got better things to do Malfoy" I scoffed

"You answer me when I'm talking to you Jade" he sneered

"Oh please" I rolled my eyes

"Don't you have someone else to terrorize?"

"looks like you're the only one on today's list, sweetheart" he scoffed

"Well I'm quite busy, try tomorrow" I shoved passed

I knew it drove Draco absolutely insane that I didn't fall to his feet like he wanted everyone to do and that's what satisfied me.

"I'm back" I sat down with the group

"It's about bloody time Olivia! I'm not sure how much longer I could wait" Ron squeaked

"Ron you ate three pancakes already?" Harry scoffs

"Yeah and I would've ate four if Olivia would've hurried up"

"So...Cedric?" Hermione winked

"What about Cedric?"

"You know what I'm getting at" she laughed

I knew what she was getting at but the was nothing going on....That I thought.

"You should ask him to the Yule ball" She suggested

"Oh dear. We were just catching up Hermione, it's no big deal"

"Mhm" she cocked her eyebrow

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