"That's a lie"

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"Olivia wake up...wake up" Draco whispered in my ear

"Ughhh" I threw a pillow over my face

"We have to meet your friends soon...get dressed" he pulled the pillow off my face

"Fine" I get up and start to change into my extra clothes

"I could get use to this view" Draco raised his eyebrows and smirked

"Shut up!" I laughed and threw a pillow at him

He laughed and walked to the bathroom to change as well

"Okay ready to go?" He said walking out of the bathroom straightening his tie

"Yessir" i looked him up and down

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the common room

"Olivia...how are you?" Pansy flashed a smile and hugged me

"I'm doing okay I guess...under certain circumstances" we laughed

"Well don't be worried...it's gonna be okay..." blaise awkwardly patted my shoulder...I could tell it was hard for him to say something somewhat nice...he's got a reputation just like Draco.

We left the common room to meet with the group.
I wasn't sure where we were meeting the group

With that being said draco pulled my into an abandoned classroom

"What was that for?!" I said

"Sh!" He whispered

"Lumos!" Draco's wand lit up and scanned the room

"What are you looking for?" I whispered

"Me" Harry stepped out of a dark corner

"Anyone see you come in?" Harry asked

"No...it's too early...no one was out...Pansy and Blaise have an eye on the door" Draco replied

"Brilliant..." Harry said

"How come I didn't know the plan before you yanked me in here?" I smack Draco's arm

"You gave me a heart attack"

"That just adds to the fun" Draco laughed

"Okay you guys have to go now" Draco nodded at Harry and softly pushed me towards him

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him...planting a soft kiss on my lips

I chuckled at the sight of Harry just standing there awkwardly waiting.

I joined Harry and we began walking away

"And Potter..." Draco said

We turned to face him

"Don't get any ideas" Draco cocked his eyebrow

"No promises" Harry winked...I let out a chuckled and covered my mouth in shock

We both walked out

I heard Draco huff in anger

Who knew Harry had a somewhat rebel side

"It's still pretty early...so I'm taking you back to the common room with the rest and we'll wait till breakfast okay?" Harry turned his head and waiting fir me to approve

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