"Leave me alone"

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But why were they here?

Draco and Finn acted as if they had never met but when Kade walked into the manor she acted like her and cissy were best friends

How do they know each other?

"Little Olivia" I turned to see Henry waving

"Henry!" I hugged him

"It's so good to see you! You're all grown up!" He smiled

"Yes Olivia the last time we seen you you were terrified of the little ant hills we had at the house" Eve laughed

"Bug" Finn joked

"Shut up" I punched him

That was my nickname from them...they've always called me that

"Ahh you didn't forget about me did you bug?" Kade said

"Of course not Kade...you were always my favorite" I smiled and hugged her

"I can't get over how old you look Olivia" Kade smiled

"You're about as tall as me" Jackson added then laughed

"I'll still kick your butt" I punched his shoulder

"Oh yeah? Go for it" he held up his fists

We all laughed

"Okay you two it's time to go eat" Finn laughed

We all gathered into the dinning room

Draco, Blaise, me, Finn, Cissy, Kade, Jackson, Henry, and Eve.

Not to mention Mia and whoever the people that was with her...I had never met her so I wasn't sure what her story was....but I intend to find out.

"Okay let's eat!" Cissy started to bring out food and set up the table

"Want me to help Cissy?" I asked

"Of course dear...I'd love that" a smile came to her face

"I can help to if you'd like" Mia smirked at me

"Oh...Um...sure mia..." Cissy laughed awkwardly

Once we carried in the food we all sat down

Everything thing was normal until this point...

I sat down...Draco sat on my left side...Finn sat on my right...oh dear

And of course Mia came and sat next to Draco

I rolled my eyes when she sat down

I did my best to ignore it

We began to eat and talk...it was so much fun to get to know cissy more and all of us to talk about different things.

"Bug do you care to pass me the gravy?" Finn smiled

"Sure Finn" I went to grab it and Draco placed his hand on my thigh and applied a firm grip

It caught me off guard

"Oh!" I tipped the gravy over onto myself and Finn

Everyone looked at me

"Shoot!" I jumped up

"I'm so sorry! I'll clean it up immediately!" I nervously chuckled

"I'll come with you" Finn laughed looking down at the gravy covering his shirt

Everyone just chuckled and continued to talk

He followed me into the kitchen

"I'm sorry about that" I said grabbing a towel

"It's fine" he laughed

"How is this funny to you?" I looked him in the eyes

We both busted out laughing

"Okay it's a little funny" I said

I took the towel and wiped his shirt gently

He took his hand and lifted my chin

"You're beautiful Olivia" he looked into my eyes

"...you're silly" I laughed it off

"I'm serious" he forced me to look again

"How do you know draco?" I changed the subject

"What?" He laughed

"You acted like you didn't know him...but Kade hugged cissy and talked like they were best friends" I said

"Oh it's a long story" he chuckled

"Well we got time" I laughed

"I said it's a long story!" He hit the table

I jumped back

I could feel my heart start to race

What just happened?

I knew he was different...but I had never felt fear of Finn

I could tell he immediately felt bad

"I'm...I'm sorry bug...I didn't mean too...I-"

"Leave me alone" I shoved him and went to leave the kitchen

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back

"I told you I was sorry..." he was inches from my lips

"I...know...it's okay..it's okay" I tried to calm him down

He looked down at my lips and back to my eyes

"Is there a problem Jacobs?" I heard a voice from behind us

I knew it was draco

"Nope...not a problem at all" Finn was looking into my eyes not even making eye contact with draco

"Let's go Olivia" Draco said

We all walked back out and sat down

They continued the conversations like normal

But whatever just happened...definitely wasn't normal...

The Finn I knew was still there...he was just lost...
Authors note:

I am so excited to show you all what I have in mind!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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