"Pure bliss"

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The next evening.

After the nurse came in and check on me... I finally got her to let me go.

Draco hasn't came an seen me since yesterday morning.

I'm convinced he was the one behind the curtain last night when Ced kissed me

I finally got him to trust me and look what happened

And I knew it would take a lot to get him to believe me again


Boys are so complicated
I was walking down the hallway to the common room when I seen Pansy

I think I should ask her...Draco usually talks to her about stuff.

"Hey Pansy!" I shouted down the hall

"Olivia!" She ran towards me

"I didn't know you were getting out today! That's awesome! How are you feeling?" She hugged me

"I'm doing a lot better! Thank you so much for helping me that night" I said

"Oh no problem girly, it was more Draco than me" she chuckled

"Speaking of draco...have you heard from him?" I asked

"I seen him earlier but he didn't seem like he wanted to talk...so i haven't talked to him...why what's up?" She said chuckling

"Well..." I pulled her to the side

"Cedric came to see me last night...and if that didn't make things worse enough..." I hesitated.

It's hard to say it out loud...I was hoping she'd believed me when I told her I didn't want him too

"He kissed me.." I looked down at the ground

I was ashamed..even if I didn't want him to kiss me..it still happened

And Draco seen it

"What??" She looked concerned

"I swear I didn't want him too...he just did...I pushed him away...but I think Draco seen him kiss me and he left...without knowing what happened" I was a mixture of sadness and anger

"It's okay Olivia, I believe you...you know how Draco is...it'll take a little bit but...he'll believe you too...now I'd be more concerned for diggory than Draco at this point...I mean I'm sure he wants to kill him now but...when he finds out he kissed you without consent...well I'll be praying for the kid" she put her hand on my shoulder and let out a little chuckle

"It might not seem like it...but Draco is the most chivalrous guy I know...he's never touched me without asking first" she assured

Oh great...Cedric's gonna die

"Oh goodness...I've got to explain everything To him...and talk him out of killing Cedric" I joked

I really did have to talk to him about the kiss..it'd eat me alive if I wait much longer

"Well good luck!" Pansy laughed

"I'm glad to see you're doing better" she hugged me and left
Everyone was still having class but I know Draco skips charm class at this time everyday pretty much.

Where would I be if I was Draco Malfoy?

With that I immediately knew

I made my way towards the astronomy tower...

5th years were having class there...

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