"Roller coaster"

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(Press play when I say in the story or on repeat)

"Where is he now?" I asked Pansy

"I think in his room...follow me and I can let you in" she began to walk towards the Slytherin common room

She stood in front of the portrait and whispered the password

"Okay here you are...thanks again Olivia...it really means a lot" she gave me a smile and left

I walked in and tried to remember which room was Draco's

There it was.

I was so nervous for how he would react.

What was I gonna say when He opened the door? He can't know Pansy sent me

Before I knew it I was knocking
Draco's POV:

I expected everyone to be at dinner by now

"Blaise...go eat I told you I wasn't bloody hungry" I said as I opened the door


What was she doing here?

How did she get here?

"Draco..." she said lowly looking down at her shoes

Here comes that feeling again...I might puke on those shoes if she looks at them too long

Olivia's POV

Why does he look like he's about to puke?

"Do you care to talk for a second?" I asked

"I'm not really in the mood for company right now...so" he said trying to close the door

Pansy didn't say It'd be easy, that's for sure

"Draco wait...please" i spoke

"What?" He spat opening the door back up

"We need to talk"

He sighed

"make this quick...I have a long night ahead of me" he walked over to his desk, pouring a glass of firewhiskey

"You're drinking now?" I scoffed

"You're observations are impeccable " He smirked taking a sip from the cup

"Can we just talk..sober?" I suggested

"Too late" he scoffed taking another drink

"Fine have it your way" I grabbed the bottle from the desk and started drinking it.

"Good girl" he teased

I slammed the bottle back on the table and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"So what are you really doing here?" He asked

"I know you keep you're intimate things cloistered from everyone but you-"

"Cloistered?" He cocked his eyebrow

"Like secluded"

"I know what it means...I'm just surprised you do" he scoffed

"I'm not an idiot"

"I'd beg to differ but continue.." he smirked taking another drink

"I think it'd help if you talked about what's been going on"

"Are you my therapist now?" He joked

"listen, I'm not sure why you thought it was a good idea to come here...but it wasn't...now I'm gonna let you go and you're going to go back  and be with your asinine friends and boyfriend Diggory"

"No" I spat

"I'm sorry...did you just say no?" He tilted his head and scoffed

(Start the song!)

"Yes I did...I'm so sick of you doing this, I made a mistake by that stupid bet...and I have beat myself up for it since the day at the great hall. I've tried being nothing but kind to you, Draco...but that's never going to be good enough for you, is it? all you do-"

he kissed me...

The smell of strong cologne and alcohol, bringing back memories from months ago.

The kiss...was almost like a roller coaster. The anticipation of the chain hill..the cart is going up gradually, sometimes you wonder if it'll even make it to the peak. When finally reach the top, you have a split second to look down at everything, Almost as if you own the world in that moment.

...Without warning you're plunged into the unknown.

Our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. His lips were soft almost pillowy against my own. I could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath my nose. His hand inched to my lower back lifting me slightly, as if he was helping me reach his height. His other hand was placed gently on my neck, his thumb rubbing subtly on my skin.

He placed me back, level on the ground once more. And just like every roller coaster, the ride operator stops the fun.

"I had to shut you up somehow..." he placed a piece of hair behind my ear

"I'm sure that's what it was" I teased

"I didn't kiss you because I wanted to" he scoffed

"Really?" I started walking closer to him

he smirked, backing up

We'll see about that. I continued to walk closer to him.

He hit the side of his bed and fell backwards onto it.

I crawled onto the bed, right on top of him.

I leaned down to kiss him, he raised up slightly.

I held my arm in front of his face, checking my watch.

"Oops...it's time for me to go eat" I got up and walked to the door

"That's it? You're leaving?" He raised up further on the bed

"What did you expect me to do?" I teased

"I don't know...stay awhile I guess" he chuckled

"How long?"

"Forever maybe?" He joked

"...or longer?" I laughed

"Sounds good to me"

"I'll see you around, Draco"


Authors note

I thought y'all could use this wholesome chapter

I know I needed a wholesome chapter lol

I already know how I want to end this story...I also have a surprise coming up in the next few chapters

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