"How much longer?"

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It's been one week since we arrived outside the ministry. Draco says we're getting closer...I'm worried we won't make it. Everyday there's new traps that almost kills one of us.

"How much longer malfoy?" Mia groaned

"Just a little longer"

It seems we walk miles and miles everyday...nothing

"Draco maybe we should stop....camp here for a little bit. Everyone's exhausted and-"

"No!" He shouted

"We have to keep going...Everyone's probably searching and we haven't even made it to our destination yet"

Finn and Mia walked ahead of us whispering while Draco and I lagged behind

"I'm sorry...I'm just worried that if we stop we could be in more danger than us going on"

"It's fine"

"No it's not" he stopped walking and faced me to turn towards him

"I was a complete twat and I shouldn't have been rude about it" he kissed my forehead

"I told you it's okay, we've all just had a rough week" I smiled

He nodded in uncertainty

"Uh...guys" we heard Mia stutter ahead of us

"What's wrong?" Draco asked

"See for yourself" Finn pointed

We walked over to the edge of the woods that overlooked the area, we made it....almost

They built a large wall around the ministry. Two large men stood in front pacing back and forth.

"Fenrir Greyback and Antonin Dolohov" Draco sneered

"How do we get around them?" I asked

We all thought to ourselves

"Okay what if we send Mia and Olivia in? They can distract them while Draco and I try to get in...we'll disguise Olivia and they already know Mia. It should be easy" Finn replied

Draco muttered a spell under his breath.

"That's should do it" he chuckled

They all started to laugh


"Look" mia grabbed a small mirror from her bag

My hair was cut off to my shoulders and platinum blonde covered the dark brown that was once there. I didn't even recognize myself

"I look like Draco did fourth year" I teased

Mia and Finn busted out into laughter

"Oh shut up" he rolled his eyes

"Here I have some clothes in my bag...you'll blend in with everyone"

Mia dressed in darker colors mostly. Especially living with Jaxon for as long as she did.

Everyone faced the opposite direction while I changed

Everyone faced the opposite direction while I changed

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